Town of Otsego Planning Board

Minutes - November 13, 2007



Chairman Paul Lord called the monthly meeting of the Town of Otsego Planning
Board to order at 7:55 PM (the meeting was delayed while the Board awaited
the arrival of a fourth member, giving them a voting quorum). Roll call was
taken by Planning Board Clerk Bill Deane. Members present were Lord, Wes
Ciampo, John Phillips, and Doug Greene. Members absent were Donna Borgstrom
(Vice-Chairman) and Joe Galati. Planning Board Attorney Jim Ferrari and
Zoning Enforcement Officer John Stucin were also present.

The Board referred to the minutes of October 2, 2007, mailed to the members.
Phillips moved to approve the minutes as written. Ciampo seconded the
motion and it was approved, 4-0.

Zoning Enforcement Officer Stucin distributed copies of his report (filed)
for October-November. It listed the agendas for the Planning Board and
Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), the issuance of ten land use permits, and the
receipt of a complaint.

Chairman Lord reviewed correspondence received since the last meeting:

· Copies of the September-October 2007 issue of Talk of the Towns &
Topics, distributed to the members.

· Copies of new statewide legislation regarding building permits,
passed around to members. Attorney Ferrari was asked to review this and
report at the next meeting.

· A copy of the Summer, 2007 issue of Biological Field Station
Reporter, passed around to members.

With no further correspondence, the Board moved on to applications.



John Nichols - Site plan review, demolition & replacement of house in Otsego
Lakeshore protection area - 6870 State Highway 80 (#69.44-1-17.00)

John Phillips read aloud the minutes of October 2 relevant
to this application. Engineer Hans DeWaal submitted a letter from applicant
John Nichols, authorizing DeWaal to represent him. Bill Deane distributed
copies of the minutes (not yet approved) of the October 16 ZBA meeting,
during which a public hearing was held and Nichols's application for area
variances was approved. Two neighbors attended the public hearing,
expressing general concerns about changes to the neighborhood. Deane
advised them that that might be their only opportunity to express specific
concerns before the Planning Board approved the project, but neither
neighbor elaborated any concerns.

Phillips moved to waive the Planning Board's public hearing,
since there was no significant opposition from the public during the ZBA
hearing. Doug Greene seconded the motion. The vote was 3-1 in favor of the
motion, with Chairman Lord opposed. Since four votes were required to pass
any motion, Phillips's motion failed.

Wes Ciampo moved to schedule a public hearing for December
4. Lord seconded the motion and it was approved, 4-0.


Chris Chandler - Determination of status, auto dealership - County Route 26

No one appeared on behalf of this application.


Joe Galati - Sketch plan conference, extension of stair bulkhead - 6688
State Highway 80 (#69.76-1-9.00)

Joe Galati - Sketch plan conference, canopy over first-floor porch - 6718
State Highway 80 (#69.68-1-14.00)

Joe Galati had contacted Bill Deane prior to the meeting,
saying he would not be able to attend, and asking that these sketch plans be
placed on the December agenda.



Zoning Enforcement Officer Stucin discussed various projects
which may come before the Board in the near future. One of them was a
proposed baseball camp in Pierstown, which Stucin said was still in

the "dream stage" (though there has already been a newspaper article about

Based on previous experience, Chairman Lord warned about
media attention which might ensue. Lord referred to an e-mail he sent to
the members, reading in part, "Nearly everyone of your neighbors will
immediately form an opinion as to whether [any controversial project such as
this] should or should not be built after gleaning the barest set of project
details. They will be emphatic about their stance and demand your
concurrence. You will hear compelling arguments for and against. The press
will suddenly be interested in you, your opinions, and, most of all, your
vote. When approached regarding this proposal, let me recommend
circumspection. Listen, but try not to respond - even if you feel strongly.
Tell all who approach you that we will consider the issue with full
deference to State and Town laws and that we do not make the laws regarding
such issues."

Bill Deane reported on the December 4, 2007 agenda. It will
be essentially the same as November's, unless there are any additions within
the next week. Chandler will be deleted unless he makes contact by November

At 8:26, Wes Ciampo moved to adjourn the meeting.


Respectfully submitted,




Bill Deane

Planning Board Clerk