-1Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek, NY 13337

September 11, 2007

Present: Mark Weir, Wolf Merk, Richard Carr (chairperson), Edward Kukenberger, Margaret Wolff and Claire Kepner (secretary).Elizabeth Staffin was present to present the financial report.

The meeting was opened with the pledge to the flag and a moment of silence honoring 9/11.

A motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the August 16 meeting was made by Wolf Merk, second by Mark Weir and carried.

The financial report was read by Richard Carr and accepted by motions from Margaret Wolff and wolf Merk. It was noted that there is Ten Thousand dollars more in the accounts than this time last year.

Checking Account

Balance forward 7449.15

Interest .63

Less bills paid 2911.44

Check #2445 void (lost) 485.00

Current Balance 5023.34


Balance forward 192,257.81

Interest 790.00

Current Balance 193,048.31


Russ Smith (refuse) 39.00

Time Warner Cable 49.95

Kehoe & Merzig Atty 1000.00

NYSEG 395.10

Heiman 297.45

The Daily Star (legal notice) 3.15

Garrison Fire & Rescue 3412.00

Bruce Hall 44.50

Paraco 65.72

Richard Carr (reimburse) 69.96

A motion to pay the bills was made by Ed Kukenberger, second by Mark Weir and carried.

The budget for the year 2008 has to be to the Town of Otsego Town Board tomorrow, September 12, 2007. According to the limits set by the State of New York the maximum amount allowed to be assessed for fire protection is $96,727.40.

Operating expenses for this year, extrapolated to the end of the year are approximately $76,000. After discussion a motion was made by Wolf Merk to propose to the Town Board, a budget of $85,000 for the year 2008, second by Ed Kukenberger and unanimously carried. This represents a $16,000 reduction since the reorganization in 2006.

Chief’s report:

Two new tires for truck #15 are needed. An actuator valve was purchased. One fire, a tree in the cemetery, was responded to.

Ed Kukenberger made a motion to accept the report, second by Margaret Wolff and carried.

First Responders report:

Rich Carr stated they have responded to a couple of calls with Cooperstown.

Fire Police Report:

Marvin Mulford said a plan to respond to fires that would need to proceed over the bridges that are closed for repair was made. The bridge on County RT 26 is now open but the others on Stone House and Allison road (one land is open) will be closed at least for another year.

Three radios for the fire police are needed.

The report was accepted after motions by MARGARET Wolff and Ed Kukenberger.

Auxiliary Report:

Rich Carr reported, as Fire Commissioner Chair, the condition of the kitchen is of great concern. It was left for two weeks in poor condition after the pancake Breakfast on August 26th.

This is a matter of both health and pride.

A spirited discussion ensued.

Discussion followed with comments that the grills and stove were too hot to clean that Sunday and since the Auxiliary cleared over $700.00 someone could have been hired to do the cleaning if the auxiliary, the people who received the money, did not do the cleaning.

Grants update:

The state forest service will reimburse the district for one-half of the $1800 spent on communication equipment.

Jim Wolff reported that the Fly Creek Fire District is still in the running for the smoke alarm grant.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM after motions by Margaret Wolff and Ed Kukenberger.

The next meeting of the Fly Creek Fire District will be held on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 7 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Claire Kepner