Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek, NY 13337

September 14, 2006


Richard Carr. Mark Weir, wolf Merk, Edward Kukenberger, Margaret Wolff, Betty Staffin, Treasurer and Claire Kepner, secretary.

The pledge was recited at 7:10 PM.

The minutes of the august meeting were read and corrected. page one the order was changed to 8 hand held radios and 18 pagers. Wolf Merk made the motion to accept as corrected, second by Margaret Wolff, carried.

Rich Carr requested THANK YOU letters BE SENT TO Bill Preston for sign painting and his donation of some of his work lettering the trucks and Karen Katz for the donation of the wall oven.

Financial report:

Checking account started at $20,432.18, August bills amounted to $11,050.63with a remaining balance of $9389.84 including interest. The Allstate CD is $41,647.55, MBIA $147,559.69 and the 2% account is $1857.61`. A motion to accept was made by Ed Kukenberger, second by Mark Weir, carried.

Bills and Transfers:

Margaret Wolff made a motion to allocate $700.00 for Microsoft soft wear, Wolf Merk second, carried.

Bill Preston lettered the three trucks and the sign on the front of the building and gave us a 50% discount.

Advanced Fire Protection checked the fire extinguishers and they need to be fixed.

Advance Fire Protection Co $154.00

Heiman Fire Equipment (24 pr gloves) 879.25

Verizon 64.95

Bruce Hall (garbage bags & paint) 19.88

Haggerty Ace Hardware 94.93

Bill Preston 400.00

Hills Signs (reflectors for helmets) 157.10

VRS Sales (switch) 327.00

NYSEG 226.37

Kehoe & Merzig atty 157.50

Village of Cooperstown (2006 contract) 13,500.00

Creative Electronics

(Communications equip) 8,595.92

Motion to pay the bills was made by Margaret Wolff, second by Ed Kukenberger, passed.

Fire Company report by Andrew Marietta

The officers met and are in the process of pulling together the operating procedures. They want to hire an attorney to write the By Laws. The cost is expected to be in the area of $850.00. There is also the issue of Directors and Officers insurance.

Alan Thayer stated they expect no big expenses at this point and that the trucks are in real good shape.

Richard Carr reviewed the proposed budget for 2007 and after discussion; the final proposed budget is $93,065. Mark Weir made the motion to accept the budget, second by Ed Kukenberger, passed unanimously.

Chief’s Report:

Alan Thayer reported that last month there were 153 person-hours of drill and 68.5 hours so far this month. They drilled with Schuyler Lake, and received a $100 donation.

On Sept. 19th, firefighting training will start. The firefighters have received their pagers and will be be toned out with Cooperstown for all emergency calls in the Fly Creek Fire district. The auxiliary was requested to provide food for the training sessions.

There is a fire company membership meeting on Sept. 27th at 7 pm.

Chief Thayer reported the Bean high-pressure pump needs five new belts. The rest of the equipment is in good condition.

Wolf Merk made the motion to accept the report, second by Margaret Wolff, approved.

Auxiliary Report:

Donna Mulford reported the auxiliary has been in existence since 1954.

The pancake breakfast netted $600. Thank you notes have been sent. She thanked all who helped and mentioned the guys took over the kitchen and it was great.

She and Linda Coe are working on the Auxiliary By Laws.

The auxiliary would like to host a harvest celebration dinner in October.

The auxiliary members need to have ID badges to be at a fire scene. The necessary information will be taken from the personnel applications. The meetings are the first Monday of the month.

Ed Kukenberger, second by Mark Weir, made the motion to accept, carried.

Fire Police Report:

Squad Captain Mulford is in the process of organizing. Butch Jones, Otsego County Emergency Coordinator, said Fire Police School can be held any time. A training session can be hosted here at Fly Creek. The course is two or three nights. The Fire Commissioners approved of having the school.

Other reports:

The FEMA reimbursement paper work for the flood costs needs to be finished. There is no time limit.

The NYS Police airboat will be here next week. It will be quartered here because Fly Creek is more centrally located.

The ambulance is going to be put up for sale.

The second batch of physicals has been completed. Classification cards will be issued.

The FACTS course for first responders will be held in October.

The EMT course will be held twice a week from October through May.

The air packs were inspected by Garrison and will be repeated annually to make sure they are in working order. Four air packs with masks were okay. A number of masks failed the leak test but at present we should have enough. The steel tanks were fine.

The pass alarm batteries were dead. They have been fixed. the 9 volt Duracell batteries will be replaced yearly.

Arson and background checks have been completed.

Old Business:

Wolf Merk reported the Patch contest has started with the approval of Chief Alan Thayer. It will be publicized and is open to Fly Creek residents.

Another order for t-shirts has been placed. The Fire Company will take care of the orders and cost in the future instead of the District.

New Business:

Margaret Wolf made the motion to accept as probationary, 39 new members.

Comments from the public:

Q. What is happening on recovering the memorabilia?

A. The issue is ongoing.

A request for pictures to be taken during drills was made so that we could start to restore the archives.

Wolf Merk made the motion at 8:00PM to adjourn, second by Ed Kukenberger, carried.

The next meeting is October 12, 2006

Respectfully Submitted,

Claire Kepner