Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek, NY 13337

October 11, 2007

Present: Richard Carr (chairperson), Wolf Merk, Edward Kukenberger, Margaret Wolff, Elizabeth Staffin (treasurer) Claire Kepner (secretary)

At 7:00 PM the meeting was opened with a pledge to the flag.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and a motion to accept the corrected minutes was made by Margaret Wolff, second and carried.

The financial report was given by Elizabeth Staffin.

Checking account

Balance Forward 5023.34

Plus Interest .70

Plus transfer 10,000.00

Less wire charge -15.00

Less Bills paid -5463.96

Current Balance $9545.08

MBIA Account

Balance forward $193,048.31

Less Transfer to checking -10,000.00

Plus Interest 741.78

Current balance $183,790.09

Motions by Edward Kukenberger and Margaret Wolff to accept the report were carried.


Verizon 87.13

Time Warner Cable 49.95

Creative Electronics 1297.38

Allen’s Lubricants 526.00

VRS Sales LTD 980.00

Smith Ford 725.66

Advanced Fire Protection 123.00

Town of Otsego (fuel) 460.38

Bruce Hall Corp 3.10

Ace Hardware 99.08

Bound Tree Medical 207.50

Oneonta Equipment Rental Sales 116.08

A motion to pay the bills was made by Wolf Merk, second by Ed Kukenberger, carried.

Chief’s Report:

Chief Thayer reported front tires are being replaced on E-15 and a representative from VRS Sales will deliver operating manuals for E-96. The VRS representative will go over

apparatus operation with the chief.

During the pump school held here, it was discovered some equipment was not working correctly. These items will be corrected.

He had no report about the first responders.

Allan stated the fire police requested vests that are visible at night and fit over winter clothing.

Linda Coe, a member of the auxiliary, contacted Service Master and had the kitchen and bathroom floors stripped and waxed. This winter the kitchen is to be painted.

The Chief requested an extra black drape be purchased. The current one, a black landscape cloth, works well but a spare should be available.

Tuesday night the drill will be held with Hartwick at Waterwheel Woodworks on Christian Hill.

A 5 inch Storz connector was requested by the chief at a cost of about $325.00.

Wolf Merk made a motion to purchase the valve, second by Margaret Wolff and carried.

Ed Kukenberger made a motion to accept the Chief’s report, second by Margaret Wolf, and carried.

Grants Update:

The FEMA grant has been approved and was reported in the paper. About 1900 dual smoke and heat sensors will be purchased and distributed.

The State Forest Service Grant is in the works. The forest ranger went over the work done and the paper work has been submitted. We should receive over $900 reimbursement toward the purchase of additional communication equipment.

Assemblyman Magee’s grant is in the process of collecting invoices for the grant. So far with the grant, composite air tanks and 1 radio have been received. The turn out gear is on order.

Training report:

Pump school is finished. George Hymas keeps track of the hours of training and has recorded over 3000 hours this year.

Three people are taking the EMT training, Mark Weir, Josh Kantor and Rick Kelly.

Old Business:

Wolf Merk took down signs that were posted on the corner in support of political candidates. We cannot, by law, support any political candidate.

New Business:


Public Comment:

Linda Coe requested the sign on the corner announce the coat drive that is being sponsored by the Fire District.

The next meeting is Thursday, November 8, 2007

Motions by Wolf Merk and Margaret Wolff adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM

Respectfully Submitted

Claire Kepner