Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek, NY 13337

May 9, 2007

Present: Margaret Wolff, Richard Carr (chairperson), Mark Weir, Elizabeth Staffin (treasurer) and Claire Kepner (secretary).

At 7:36 Pm the meeting was opened with a salute to the Flag led by Rich Carr and a moment of silence in honor of Arthur Andrews, a long time member of the original Fly Creek Fire Department.

The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved after a motion by Mark Weir and Second by Margaret Wolff.


An announcement from the West Laurens Fire Department that they are having a BBQ on June 16th was received.

Financial Report:


Balance forward 104,938.86

Interest 10.73

Less Bills Paid 3,522.20

Less Transfer 86,000.00

Less wire charge 20.00

Plus deposit (grant) 2,000.00

Current Balance 17,407.39


Balance Forward 112,862.67

Plus Transfer 86,000.00

Plus Interest 602.32

Current Balance 199,646.99

Mark Weir made a motion to accept the report, second by Margaret Wolff and carried.


Bassett healthcare

Matt Lionetti EMT physical 238.50

Mirabito Fuel 436.47

Time Warner 49.95

Margaret Wolff reimburse for

Shirts and ties 607.32

Copy Shop (laminate maps) 27.00

Paraco 79.52

Ace Hardware 13.99

Garrison 2,234.00

NAPA 26.86

NYSEG 594.75

Creative Electronics 153.38

Bills were paid after a motion by Mark Weir and Second by Margaret Wolff, carried.

Chief’s report:

Not in attendance

First Responders Report:

Patty Schultz reported the First Responders are going to the EMS recognition dinner; they are looking for a jacket or vest to be worn during the summer when responding to an emergency and the 18 people passed the EVOC training.

Special mention was made of Rich Carr and Matt Lionetti passing the practical part of the EMT course.

the Cooperstown Fire Department has commented that the Fly Creek First Responders response time has been excellent.

Mark Weir motioned, with Margaret Wolff seconding, to accept the report; carried.

Fire Police Report:

Marvin Mulford reported there was a meeting on the 4th and an inventory was taken. An order now can be made to fill in the missing necessary items.

The Fire Police have approved and accepted written policies and procedures.

There have been 150 man hours of training and Gerry Allison has been appointed second Lt.

Margaret Wolff, second by Mark Weir made the motion “By Resolution the Fire Commissioners grant permission to the Fire Police to provide traffic control and safety at the funeral on May 10th of Art Andrews, an outstandingly dedicated former Fireman.” Approved

The Fire Police report was accepted after motions by Mark Weir and Margaret Wolff.

Auxiliary Report:

Donna Mulford advised the commissioners the auxiliary has been busy cooking for trainings and fires and will be providing a brunch tomorrow after the funeral for Art Andrews.

On May 19th the Cancer Center Relay for Life Team will be holding a yard sale at the hall and on June 2 there will be a scrap booking group for 9 to 9.

The Auxiliary discussed shirts and will purchase their own.

Fifty dollars was donated by the auxiliary to the high school’s “Project Prom.”

On June 19th the Fireman’s Association will have there meeting here in Fly Creek and the Auxiliary will provide food.

Also on June 19th the Otsego County Auxiliary meeting will be in Wells Bridge.

Desserts will be donated for the June 30th Fire Company picnic.

Mark Weir made a motion to allow the building to be used by the Relay for Life team on the 19th of May. Second by Margaret Wolff and passed.

Mark Weir motioned with Margaret Wolff seconding, to accept the report, carried.

Other Reports:

Grants update by Jim Wolff: The FEMA grant for dry hydrants came in just under $100,000.00 and has been submitted.

The Scriven and Clark Grant for a tanker tender has been applied for.

The parade uniforms are at heartworks and members should go there to pick up their shirt and tie.

Mark Weir made a motion to allocate up to $400.00 for an overhead door on Bay #1 with remotes and a touch pad for opening. This was accepted after seconding by Margaret Wolff.

The audits for the Fire Company and first Responders have been done and Donna Mulford has the Auxiliary books ready for review. In the future all audits are to be completed by February.

The need to pave the apron and parking lot was discussed. Mark Weir is to handle getting estimates from Webster’s and Gifford paving companies.

Old Business:

A wish list from the Fire Company was presented and after review Mark Weir made the motion, second Margaret Wolff, and accepted, to purchase the following:

1 radio

4 brooms to fight grass fires

2 each of round and square shovels 4 halogen bars large

4 halogen bars small

1 pressure washer - gas

1 large MSA mask

Matt Lionetti will obtain the shovels and Rich Carr will get the pressure washer.

Margaret Wolff made a motion to allocate $300.00 for safety vests for the first responders. These are to be kept in the ambulance. Second by Mark Weir and Passed.

Marvin Mulford advised the commissioners the Fire Police are going to join FASNY, each person paying the cost of $5.00 a year.

Adam Kantor questioned the Fire Company jackets and was advised Linda Coe was collecting sizes.

The need to pursue the cost of drilling out the safe deposit box was brought up by Claire Kepner.

New Business:

Mark Weir proposed the resolution:

Margaret Wolff is to act on behalf of the Fly Creek Fire Commissioners and pursue, in small claims court the reimbursement of $200.00 from Yvonne Colby and Patricia Pernat. This $200.00 cost to the Fly Creek Fire district was incurred because these individuals did not return the keys they had signed for that opened the safe deposit box belonging to the Fly Creek Fire district. In order to gain access to the box it had to be opened by drilling. The resolution was second by Margaret Wolff and unanimously carried.

Next month the Fire Commissioner meeting will return to the second Thursday of the month. The secretary was requested to advise the newspapers.

Donations to the Fire Company in memory of Art Andrews have been received.

Motions by Margaret Wolff and Mark Weir to adjourn were made and carried.

Respectfully submitted

Claire Kepner