Fly Creek Fire District Commissioners


Fly Creek Fire House

March 9, 2006


Richard Carr, chairman. Edward Kukenberger, Wolfgang Merk, Margaret Wolff, Mark Weir, Elizabeth Staffin, treasurer, and Claire Kepner, secretary

Chair Richard Carr opened the meeting at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Carr called attention the undecorating of the hall. All the trophies and pictures were removed during the day without the permission or knowledge of the Fly Creek Fire Commissioners. He advised everyone that the commissioners had a complete inventory of the missing items.

The minutes of February 9, 2006, were read and corrected. A motion to accept was made by Mark Weir, second by Wolf Merk and carried.

There was no correspondence.

Mr. Carr requested the secretary to write thank you letters to Gerry Allison for the donation of an American flag and to Martin Tillapaugh for his help with some legal questions.

Treasurer’s Report:

The bills paid were in the amount of $1499.49 and the balance is $41647.55 with the exception of a CD at NBT. Ed Kukenberger made a motion to accept the report, was second by Margaret Wolff, and carried.


Verizon $29.77

Town of Otsego Hwy Dept 11.31

Brian Bowen Plumbing 384.05

Mirabito 482.55

VRS (truck Maintenance) 3471.9*0

Tri County 117.50

The commissioners discussed the VRS bill of 3471.90 for maintenance of a vehicle that has not been used very much.

Mark Weir made a motion to pay the bills and second by Wolf Merk, approved unanimously.

Chiefs Report:

George Chandler reported that he read in the newspaper that the commissioners are looking into contracting out the fire protection and asked if his not running for fire chief would change things.

A motion to accept the report was made by Wolf Merk, second by Margaret Wolf, and carried.

Auxiliary Report:

Donna Mulford reported the auxiliary has had no activity since the last meeting of the commissioners. She did work on a permit for hall rental and attended the county auxiliary meeting. At that meeting, she learned a lot and found out what the Auxiliary can and cannot do.

Donna reported the hall will be rented out next month for a shower and the auxiliary meeting will be held 7PM on Monday, March 13, 2006.

Richard Carr reported a local restaurant would meet with a restaurant supplier about our kitchen sink replacement. Wolf Merk made a motion to allocate up to $400. for the purchase of a kitchen sink that meets code requirements. Second by Ed Kukenberger and carried. Donna Mulford said she also would check on availability of sinks.

Richard Carr brought up the need for our investments to be handled by a financial advisor. With MBIA, all investments would be liquid and no penalties or fines for withdrawal of money. Margaret Wolff made the motion to have MBIA as Fly Creek Fire Districts financial advisor. Second by Mark Weir and carried unanimously.

A maintenance contract is still under consideration as advised by Wolf Merk.

Mr. Carr brought up the need to appoint an insurance carrier. After receiving quotes and reviewing various companies, the switch to Utica National Insurance was thought to be the best possible choice for the district. Utica National pays dividends and for the past four years the dividend has been equal to one third of the premium. The dividend amount could amount to $1700. to $1800. The coverage is about the same as previously held, but there is a bit better coverage for liability. A motion to accept Utica National Insurance as the insurance carrier was made by Ed Kukenberger, second by Wolf Merk, and passed unanimously.

On March 10, 2006, Mr. Carr will contact the insurance company representative and advise him of the decision. We will be covered from March 1, 2006 and the bill will then be sent.

Mr. Carr brought up the need for a fire district attorney. The law firm of Kehoe and Merzig has agreed to represent the district. Mr. Merzig will be our contact person and is very well versed in fire law. Wolf Merk made a motion to accept Kehoe and Merzig as attorneys, second by Margaret Wolff and unanimously carried.

The retainer agreement was passed to the commissioners for review.

Ed Kukenberger made a motion to authorize the treasurer to send a check for $1000. to Kehoe and Merzig as a retainer. They will be sent a check for $1,000. twice a year and will draw down on it as work is done. The motion was second by Mark Weir and carried unanimously.

Linda Coe, a member of the fire police, was to report on her training but is out of town. She will report next month.

Margaret Wolff submitted a proposed harassment policy to Richard Carr. It is based on the policy used by the Town of Otsego and copies will be available next month.

No Old Business

New Business:

Mr. Carr reviewed the articles appearing in the local papers about the contracting out of fire protection. People are concerned about what will happen with fire protection since last month the chief reported the firefighters felt they should not respond to a fire call unless their own walls were hot. After discussing the issue with surrounding districts, it was decided the commissioners will proceed with contracting out fire protection. This is viewed as a short-term solution because it is the desire of the commissioners to reconstruct a well-trained, cooperative fire department. Cooperstown is willing to help by providing training and organizational skills.

Before a contract can be completed, a well-advertised public meeting must be held. This will give a chance for regrouping in order to reduce the friction that has been flowing in the community.

Mr. Carr continued with the comments that this is a serious problem. There is a lack of confidence and this step of contracting out protection will give the area time to step back, calm down and reorganize.

Cooperstown, Schuyler Lake, Hartwick and possibly Springfield fire departments are all willing to help with covering the Fly Creek community.

Margaret Wolff made a motion for a resolution to enter into contract negotiations. Second by Mark Weir and carried unanimously.

Rich Carr asked for a clarification of parliamentary procedure from James Atwell. What is the difference between a resolution and an amendment? Mr. Atwell stated the difference is that a motion is brought before the body; a vote for resolution is to take action.

Mr. Carr returned to the investment firm issue. Ed Kukenberger made a motion to change the motion to a resolution to engage MBIA as financial advisor for the district. Second by Wolf Merk and unanimously carried.

Mr. Carr announce it was time for public comment with a limit of three minutes per person.

Mary Jo Merk requested permission from the auxiliary and the commissioners for use of the hall by the Fly Creek Community Association of Wednesday, March 29 at 4PM. Mr. Carr advised her to contact the secretary for use of the hall.

James Atwell called attention to the stripped walls and trophy cases and wanted to remind those who carried them off that the items represented, and are associated with, the fire department and the Fly Creek Community. “It deprives the community and the removal is ethically wrong. The pictures are of men and women who would be grossly upset at to what has been done.”

Gerry Allison wanted to know where the pictures and trophies are. His efforts in the department resulted is some of the trophies and felt they belonged in the hall, not elsewhere.

Mark Weir was in the hall at noon and the items were in place at that time. He stated the sheriffs department had been notified.

A general concern for the fire equipment was expressed and “obviously, the people who stole the items are not ethical.”

Anne Carr questioned if the insurance company was going to be notified and can they be made aware that things on the walls have mysteriously disappeared and the community is concerned.

David McGown voiced the opinion that the items could be found. He noted the items were in place long before The Chandler’s were involved with the fire department.

A resident from the audience mentioned this was not the monetary value but the historic.

Mr. Tim Weir stood up and said his Dad, whose picture was on the wall, would roll over in his grave to see what has happened to the pictures and trophies.

Donald Hoag rose and stated he has sat back for six months and had been a fire department member for 28 years, though he in not active now. He felt it is pathetic what has happened. He feels the commissioners are clueless and if people had problems they should have come forward a long time ago. He indicated newcomers are the problem and have not volunteered.

Rich Carr said he understood Mr. Hoag’s concern but we have only six active members.

Al Kantor questioned the volunteer application process.

Allison Phillips commented, “with all due respect you do not have to be born here to volunteer”.

Wolf Merk made a motion at 8PM to adjourn, second by Ed Kukenberger and carried unanimously.

The next meeting is April 13th, 2006.

Respectfully Submitted.

Claire Kepner