Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek, NY 13337

June 14, 2007

Present: Richard Carr (chairperson), Mark Weir, Wolf Merk, Margaret Wolff, Edward Kukenberger, Elizabeth Staffin (treasurer) and Claire Kepner (secretary).

After the salute to the flag at 7:08 PM, the minutes were read and accepted after a motion by wolf Merk and Margaret Wolff.

Correspondence: More donations in memory of Art Andrews have been received for the First Responders and Fire Company.

A letter from the people for which a controlled burn was held was received with all the pertinent paperwork.

Financial Report:

Checking Account

Balance Forward 17407.39

Plus Interest 1.36

Less Bills Paid 4530.08

Current Balance 12878.67

MBIA Account

Balance Forward 199464.99

Plus Interest 843.14

Current Balance 200308.13

It was noted by chair Richard Carr that with all training and equipment expenses, the Fire District has more money now than before these expenses were incurred.

Bills and Transfers:

Oneonta Town court

Small claims filing fee 10.00

Verizon 68.34

Heiman fire Equipment 544.15

Verizon 84.82

Town of Otsego (fuel) 344.12

Josh Kantor (reimburse for

Power washer) 269.10

Kingsley Power systems

(Generator maintenance) 305.00

Cash (petty cash) 225.00

Ace Haggerty Hardware 80.46

Creative Electronics

Radio & charger 499.99

Garrison 349.75

Bassett Healthworks 40.00

Time Warner Cable 49.95

Action Door (touch Pad) 485.00

Paraco Gas 571.61

A motion to pay the bills was made by Mark Weir, second by Ed Kukenberger and passed.

Mark Weir will contact Paraco about propane pricing.

Chief’s Report:

Chief Alan Thayer received a call from a person who lives on White House road. Living seven miles from the firehouse causes a high insurance rate and he wishes to be covered by Hartwick Fire Dept. since they are closer than Fly Creek. John bush, Hartwick fire chief, is willing to have Hartwick toned out in an emergency. Alan will go to the dispatcher and get the transfer.

Chief Thayer made a request to have hour-run meters installed on all trucks. This will give the company engineer a more accurate indicator for scheduled maintenance.

A motion made by Margaret Wolff, and was second by wolf Merk to get the price of and install hour meters. Motion was Carried.

Chief Thayer brought up the issue of a smoking policy. Since it is a public building there is no smoking, but by agreement of the commissioners and chief, it was decided that as long as the bay doors are open, smoking would be allowed in the bay.

The equipment is in good shape, a new light is needed on one truck, there is a small water leak on 96 and the turn out for calls has been fast.

The report was accepted after motions by Ed Kukenberger and Mark Weir.

First Responders Report:

They have put in over 500 hours of training and finally received their agency code number of 0835. It is to NEVER lapse again and just needs a signature every two years.

Fire Police Report:

Three members went to wild fire training, Josh Kantor, Marvin Mulford and Jim Wolff, Rick Kelley and Adam Kantor.

Three have completed vehicle extracition course, Mike Thayer, Richard Carr and Matt Lionetti.

On June 19th, the County Fireman’s Association is meeting here in Fly Creek.

George Hymas noted there have been 703 hours of drill time.

Auxiliary Report:

Donna Mulford advised the commissioners that in the future the auxiliary Planned to march in parades. Sue Winnie, with the help of Margaret Wolff, will make a banner.

Work has started to prepare for the pancake breakfast on August 25. They will raise money to put back into the community.

Rich Carr mentioned that everyone wants to have their trainings in Fly Creek because of the good food served!

For a $50.00 donation to the Relay for Life team there is now another stove that will be installed in the kitchen.

The auxiliary is drafting up guidelines for the use of the hall.

Wolf Merk made the motion to accept the report, second by Margaret Wolff and carried.

Linda Coe has the sign up for the Fire Company picnic to be held June 30 at the Cornfield starting at noon.

Grants update:

Margaret Wolff is still working on obtaining a grant for $10,000.00 for equipment. Preliminary approval has been received and it should leave the ways and means committee in 2-3 weeks.

Smoke Alarms - We are still in the running to get a portion of the grant.

Rich Carr called Garrison to get a price on an electric primer for E96. Promises from VRS for manuals never materialized.

The Overhead door opener has been installed.

estimates to pave the parking lot have been received from Gifford and Webster Paving companies. Mark Weir will try to get more estimates.

Franklin Fire Department received a new tanker and wishes to sell their 2000-gallon tanker. The price is negotiable. Rich Carr and Chief Thayer will inspect it.

After training for vehicle extrication, the need to modify current tools, and the need to purchase some new tools was noted.

A motion made by Margaret Wolff to set aside $1500 for extrication equipment was second by Wolf Merk and carried.

Old Business:

Margaret Wolff reported the small claims court action against Patricia Pernat and Yvonne Colby was filed in the Town of Oneonta Court because the town of Otsego Justices withdrew themselves from the case. A date for the hearing will be set and Margaret Wolff, Wolf Merk and Ed Kukenberger will attend.

Chief Thayer will see the attorney on Monday to obtain our 501-c3 designation.

New Business:

Rich Carr reported the interior firefighters will get new turnout gear at the cost of approximately $1100 per man. The new gear will be a different color from the other fighters; it will be yellow with orange stripes and purchased from Garrison. carbon fiber tanks will also be purchased With the grant money from Assemblyman McGee.

Public Comment:

A question was asked about filling pools. The company will fill pools, considering this task a drill activity.

Rich Carr, on behalf of the community thanked Josh Kantor for planting and watering the flowers that adorn the Fire Hall.

The meeting was adjourned after motions by Wolf Merk and Ed Kukenberger.

Respectfully submitted,

Claire Kepner