Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek, NY 13337

June 8, 2006


Present:  Richard Carr: Chairman, Mark Weir, Wolfgang Merk, Edward Kukenberger, Margaret Wolff, Elizabeth Staffin; treasurer, Claire Kepner; secretary


The meeting was opened with the pledge to the flag at 7:03 PM.


The minutes of the May 11, 2006, meeting were read and a motion to approve was made by Margaret Wolff and second by Ed Kukenberger and approved.


Minutes from the special meeting of May 25, 2006, were read.  Mark Weir requested that in the forth paragraph, next to last sentence, that “allegedly” be inserted before benefit so that it would read “will allegedly benefit by the LOSAP program.”  Mark Weir made the motion to accept the minutes as corrected and second by Wolf Merk, passed unanimously.


Correspondence and other general information:

There was no correspondence but Rich Carr requested the secretary to send a letter of thanks to Dennis Tallman for tree removal at no cost to the Fire district and a get well card to Gerry Allison who suffered a heart attack last week and is doing fine.  Wolf Merk again came to the rescue and answered the emergency call.


Rich also suggested everyone get their heads together and create a list of the past members so that they may be recognized.


On August 26th, Yard Sale Community Day, the auxiliary is having a pancake breakfast and the wish is to have a open house also that day. 


The $550 mail box has been taken down and will be sold.


Treasurers Report:

Beginning balance in the checking account was $20,161.29. $16,269.80 was paid out leaving a balance of $6,796.49 which includes a $2,905 insurance reimbursement.  CD’s are in the amount of $74,483 and $41,647.55.  At MBIA the starting amount was $91,000. We have received $197.06 in interest.


Edward Kukenberger made the motion to accept and was second by Wolf Merk and carried.


Rich mentioned the sinks and mats are to be delivered next week.


Two trucks were inspected at Smith Ford.



            Gerharz Equipment   (sink)                                 $ 687.29

            Smith Cooperstown (inspection)                             40.00

            Kinsley Power System (generator)             280.00

            Bruce Hall Corp (wood for window boxes) 15.28

            NYSEG                                                                       430.78


We are having a problem with some of our correspondence and utility bills as they were delivered to the old mail box and have gone missing.  We have not received a phone bill.


Wolf Merk made the motion to pay the bills and second by Ed Kukenbeger and passed unanimously.




Donna Mulford reported that in May at the wash down of the trucks she and her daughter washed down the kitchen and provided the workers with food and a birthday cake for Rich Carr.  She is also working on organizing the pancake breakfast.


The Certificate of Incorporation update is that it should be signed by June 9th.


The sign on the corner was fixed up and painted by Wolf Merk  and the recruitment request was put up.


The First Responder certification is being worked on by Wolf Merk.  An inventory is needed and specific items are necessary; the AED (defibrillator) needs an updated chip with the cost of about $200. 


Mark spoke with Sgt. Devlin at the Sheriffs’ office and Sgt. Devlin has the DA’s okay to pursue the actions needed to get back the items not returned to the Fire District by people who are no longer Fly Creek firefighters.  We have the serial numbers for many of the items on the invoices from the last 2 - 3 years.  Several obsolete items were returned, but many current or new items were not.


Building Maintenance:

The roof is leaky, an outside water spigot is needed and additional lights are needed in the bay.  Emergency repair to the roof is needed to stop the leak.  Margaret Wolff is to call Rich Carr tomorrow with the number of a reputable roofer.


Richard Carr read a resolution dissolving association with Fly Creek Fire Department and organizing the Fly Creek Fire Company.      (insert resolution)

A motion to make the resolution was made by Margaret Wolff and second by Wolf Merk and carried unanimously.


New Business:



Public Comment:

MJ Merk:  The bills for the defense of Mark Weir and Betty Staffin exceeded the amount paid by the insurance company.  The overage was paid for by the Fly Creek Community Organization.


Ann Geddes-Atwell mentioned how nice the building looks with the flowers and being cleaned up.  No one knows who planted the marigolds and everyone was very appreciative of the addition to the landscape.


Rich Carr thought that during the dreary winter a crew could work on overhauling the kitchen cabinets since they are poorly constructed and need repair.


Wolf Merk requested suggestions from the public on what they want from the Fire District.


Jim Atwell stated the building has now been returned to the community.


Mark Weir requested that everyone take home a limb from the trees that Dennis Tallman removed.  He donated three men’s time and his equipment to take the trees down. 


Margaret Wolff asked how we are going to go about recruiting new members.  She was advised applications will be ready very soon and that we can accept verbal requests for membership at this time.


It was requested that a letter be sent to the editor of the paper to announce the recruitment drive.  Casey Campbell, reporter, said that would be the most efficient way to advertise.


Mark Weir made the motion to adjourn and second by Margaret Wolff at 8:35 PM and passed.


The next Fly Creek Fire District meeting will be held on Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 7 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Claire Kepner