Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek New York 13337

January 10, 2008

Present: Richard Carr, Betty Staffin (treasurer), Claire Kepner (secretary), Wolf Merk, Margaret Wolff, Edward Kukenberger.

The meeting was started at 7:08 PM with the salute to the American flag.

Betty Staffin called the meeting to order. Margaret Wolff made a motion to re-appoint Richard Carr chair, second by Wolf Merk and carried unanimously.

Rich requested The Honorable James Wolff to swear in the newly re-elected commissioner, Wolf Merk, which was duly done.

Margaret Wolff made the motion to appoint Claire Kepner secretary, second by Ed Kukenberger and carried.

The compensation for the secretary and treasurer was set after a motion by Margaret Wolff to pay the treasurer $1200.oo for the year and the secretary $950. The motion was second by Ed Kukenberger and carried.

Margaret Wolff made the motion to have the Oneonta Daily Star and the Cooperstown Crier as the official newspapers. This was second by Ed Kukenberger and carried.

The meeting day will remain the second Wednesday of the month.

Wolf Merk made the motion to continue to retain David Merzig as the Fire District’s attorney, second by Margaret Wolff and carried.

The insurance carrier and investment institutions will remain the same after motions by Wolf Merk and Edward Kukenberger was carried.

Checking Account

Balance Forward 39,431.81

Interest 3.16

Plus transfer from MBIA 10,000.00

Plus deposit from Fire Company 982.38

Less bills paid 45,442.80

Current balance 4,974.55


Balance Forward 185,148.05

Less transfer 10,000.00

Plus Interest 626.73

Current Balance 175,774.78

NOTE: the interest received from MBIA for 2007 was $8,002.67

The year-end treasurer’s report will be given at a future meeting after Ed Kukenberger made to motion to accept the postponement and the current report, seconded by Wolf Merk and carried.

Bills and Transfers:

Ace Haggerty Hardware 170.20

National Pastime 1268.50

Otsego County (EMT books) 183.00

Margaret Wolff (safety treads) 152.43

NYSEG 424.75

Mirabito 1161.25

Smith Ford Inspections 114.50

Time Warner 49.95

NAPA 15.57

Town of Otsego 129.54

Motions to pay the bills were made by Margaret Wolff and Ed Kukenberger and passed.

The minutes of the November 8, 2007 meeting were read and accepted by motions from Wolf Merk and Ed Kukenberger.

Wolf Merk brought up the topic of the missing DVD player and VCR. After discussion, He made a motion to change the lock combinations, second by Margaret Wolff and carried.

The December 20, 2007 minutes were read and accepted by motions from Ed Kukenberger and Wolf Merk.

Adam Kantor requested information about the Verizon bill because it seemed to be exceptionally high. Betty Staffin will research the topic.

Chief’s Report: Alan Thayer reported he is still waiting for the instruction manuals for E-96.

Chief Thayer received a call from A Long Island fire District that wants to donate a set of Hurst hydraulic jaws to our fire district.

Adam Kantor made a presentation about a 1998 ambulance from Elk Ridge, Maryland. The cost is $24,500 and has 4 Wheel Drive. A ten percent down payment would hold the truck until it was seen. Margaret Wolff made a motion to purchase the vehicle subject to approval by the emergency squad personnel who would do the pre purchase inspection. This was second by Wolf Merk and passed unanimously.

Margaret Wolff made a motion to put a deposit of $2,450 to hold the vehicle until it can be Inspected by the emergency personnel. The motion was second by Ed Kukenberger and passed.

The Chief’s report continued with the advising the commissioners the smoke alarm distribution by the fire company is going well.

The fire police are also trying to get to every emergency call to help with safety.

Three people are training for EMT status and two are off to safety school.

The chief’s report was accepted by motions from Ed Kukenberger and Wolf Merk.


Margaret wanted to know what was going to happen to the old ambulance and was informed that due to its age there is not much resale value. The vehicle will be put up for sale.

Capital expenses were reviewed. Items expected are the first responder vehicle and a tanker for which grant money is being sought. The roof has a couple of leaks, one in the men’s room and one in the main room, and the parking lot needs to be repaired.

The chief did not expect any capital expenses but wants to refurbish E15.

Old Business: New goals for 2008

A letter will be presented to the town Board requesting the installation of dry hydrants whenever a town bridge is repaired.

Ed Kukenberger made a motion that the fire district provide the cost of material to create these dry hydrants at the same time construction is being done by the town. The motion was second by Margaret Wolff and carried. Jim Wolff will deliver a letter to the town officials.

Jim Wolff reported the smoke detector distribution has changed from quadrant to all district disbursal. A grant request for 911 reflective house numbers has been submitted as the next public service project.

CPR training for district residents is being planned.

There were no comments from the public.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 13th at 7 p.m.

The meeting adjourned after motions by Wolf Merk and Margaret Wolff at 8:32PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Claire Kepner