Fly Creek Fire District Commissioners


Fly Creek Fire House

Special Meeting

January 26, 2006


Present: Richard Carr, Mark Weir, Edward Kukenberger, Wolf Merk, elizabeth Staffing (treasurer) and Claire Kepner (Secretary).


Richard Carr, chair, passed out the agenda.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the assembly.


Rich mentioned that the flag outside is threadbare and Gerry Allison is going to donate a new one through the American Legion.


Because this is a special meeting the minutes were not read.


1. Appointment for vacant position.

A few people have come forward wishing to fill the vacant position. Mark Weir made the motion to table the matter, second by Wolf Merk, passed unanimously.


2. Rescind Certificate of Amendment

The following motion was made by Ed Kukenberger.

“The Fly Creek District Board hereby rescinds and nullifies the Certificate of Amendmentfirst presented to the Board by Bradley Pinskey, Esq. at the Board’s meeting of June 8, 2005, and later passed by the Board. The Board directs its chairman to inform Town Supervisor Tom Breiton of the nullification of the document, which proposed to change the Fire Department’s legal status.”

Second by Wolf Merk and passed unanimously.


3. Rescind two signature requirement for checks.

Rich noted that since the commissioners have to sign off on the vouchers that should be sufficient approval for any expenditure. Wolf Merk made the motion to rescind the two signature requirement on checks over $1000.00, second by Mark Weir, Unanimously carried.

The need for a second signature for the banking was noted, and was tabled until the next meeting.


4. Status of Investment Policy

MBAI is an organization set up for municipalities and Fire Districts investments. They are to sent information and it will be reviewed by the Commissioners. At this time their lowest interest rate is 4%.


5. Code of Ethics

Rich Carr has a copy of the town of Otsego Code of Ethics. Copies are to be disbursed to commissioners with some items highlighted. Wolf Merk made the motion to accept the Town Code of Ethics in principle, second by Ed Kukenberger, unanimously approved.


6. Harassment policy (Sexual and General)

This policy is required by Law. All volunteers are to be treated with respect. Any harassment is a violation of Title 7 , a law since 1967. The Town of Otsego specifies all employees ( in our case, volunteers) are entitled to work without any form of discrimination. Sexual Harassment is grounds for dismissal and Retaliation is prohibited.. Complaints are to be filed in writing. False accusations are and will be treated with disiplinary action.

Volunteers have the same status as employees. The Town Policies will be the basis for our policy.

Mark Weir brought up that he thought that all members of the Fire Department should receive a copy, and be required to read and sign to that fact. Rich Carr thought the chief was responsible to dispense the information. Mark thought we should take the responsibility . Wolf Mark made the motion to table until we get the wording down. Second by Ed Kukenberger, Carried.


7. Review of Maintenance Policies (status)

Wolf Merk was in contact with Garrison and they are to get back to him. Rich mentioned we need to put maintenance out for bid and hopefully we could get the same as another department and could save money.


8. review of Insurance Policies (status)

Insurance is an ongoing saga. Colonial Insurance has Utica National , a company used by other Fire Departments, and is a local agent. Utica does training . We currently have a bill for insurance and with that information we can request bids.


9. Immediate Action - Check for Attorney’s fee

There are fees due for the legal action brought by Chris Chandler against Mark and Betty in their official capacity . We need to write a check to the attorney which he puts in a file until the Insurance Company sends the check to cover the expenses. Wolf Merk made the motion to cut a check for $2900. Second by Ed Kukenberger. Mark Weir abstained, Rich Carr, Ed Durenberger and Wolf Merk all voted in favor of the motion.


10. Chief’s report on information requested

Rich told everyone the chief submits drivers licences numbers to the insurance company on a yearly basis. He will be home from Florida for the next meeting.

We did not receive any of the information requested: Inventory , membership, training records.


Chris Chandler was asked about training . Scene Safety , a basic training will be held in February in Mt. Vision. The county does the training and sends out the information. New members have a year or two to complete it because of the timing of the training. Essentials training is 13 sessions.

It was mentioned that there was a call the night before last and only three people responded.

Chris told us there is not an updated inventory. Rich mentioned the need for one for insurance purposes, we need to get a handle on our net worth.

When the chief gets back it will be addressed since this is needed in order to get out an insurance policy bid request.


Mark requested Chris to call a drill and do the inventory and the District Commissioners would help.


Mark had a letter from a woman who wants to use the hall April 15th for a baby shower without the use of the kitchen. Wolf Merk made the motion to have a deposit of $50. without and $100 with the use of the kitchen. This is to be returned if all is in order. This was second by Ed and approved unanimously. The Policy is to be written up


Josh Kantor asked in reference to the inventory and roster requests, rather than wait and see, we should be proactive AND JUMP ON IT. Mark agreed. Rather than be blown off we need to set up a date. The chief and all fireman are to be there. The motion was made by Wolf and second by Ed to have the inventory done February 2 at 6:00, approved unanimously.


Josh then asked if there was anything else that was time sensitive and was advised, no.


There was a question as to why the special meeting and was advised it was due to lack of cooperation.


Wolf mad the motion to adjourn, second by Mark, passed. At 8:50 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Claire Kepner