Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek, NY 13337

January 10, 2007

Present: Elizabeth Staffin, treasurer; Claire Kepner, secretary; Mark Weir, Margaret Wolff and Richard Carr, Chairman.

At 7:00 Pm Betty Staffin called the meeting to order and lead the assembly in the Pledge to the Flag.

Betty called for a nomination for the position of Chair. Margaret Wolff made the motion to have Richard Carr retain the position of Chair of the Fly Creek Fire Commissioners. Mark Weir second the motion, carried unanimously.

Organizational Items:

Margaret Wolff made the motion to reappoint Claire Kepner Secretary, second by Mark Weir, carried. Margaret Wolff made the motion to set the secretary’s salary at $750.00 a year and the treasurer’s at $1000.00, second by Mark Weir, carried.

The official newspapers will be the Oneonta Daily Star and the Town Crier after a motion by Mark Weir, second by Margaret Wolff, carried.

The meetings are to be kept at the second Wednesday of the month through the month of May and will return to the second Thursday of each month starting June 2007.

Margaret Wolff made a motion to continue to retain David Merzig as attorney for the district. second by Mark Weir, carried.

Margaret Wolff made a motion to keep Hughson and Benson Associates as the Insurance agency, second by Mark Weir, carried.

Mark Weir made the motion to keep MBIA for district investments. The motion was second by Margaret Wolff and carried.

Betty Staffin reported that the CD the district has with Allstate Bank was supposed to be sent to her on 12/13/06. As of this date, we have not yet received a check.

Mark Weir made a motion to have NBT as the district’s official bank, second by Margaret Wolff, and carried.

Treasurer’s Annual report:

Betty had all the records ready for review. Rich Carr suggested that Betty contact Wayne Clinton, CPA, to do an outside audit.

The minutes from December were distributed. Corrections were the spelling of Wolf Merk’s mother-in-law’s name to Syuker and The First Responder vehicle is designated M117. Mark Weir made the motion to accept the corrected minutes, second by Margaret Wolff, carried.

Attorney David Merzig sent the paperwork to the district with the district’s NYS tax ID number.

Financial Report:

Checking Balance Forward 12,397.19

Interest 2.19

Wireless Fee Credit 15.00

Less Bills Paid (8843.58)

Current Balance 3,570.80

Allstate CD 42,423.83

MBIA General Balance Forward 109,116.04

Interest 467.05

Current Balance 109.583.09

2% Balance Forward 1880.98

Interest 8.04

Current Balance 1889.02

A motion to accept the report was made by Margaret Wolff, second by Mark Weir, carried.

Bills and Transfers

Petty Cash 239.24

Adam Kantor- Computer system 534.97

Association of Fire Dist Dues 75.00

Fuel - Mirabito 134.00

Time Warner Cable 49.95

Town Tax Collector solid waste 28.89

NYSEG 486.30

Wolf Merk (DVD purchase) 81.99

NAPA 185.21

Snyder Contracting (shed roof) 100.00

Town of Otsego 50.50

Ace Hardware 77.42

Heiman – Fire Equipment 174.87

F D Friendly Com 79.45

GALLS (fire police) 21.15

Chief Thayer 83.94

Village of C’town ambulance 6500.00

Witmer Assoc 378.87

Creative Electronics 814.45

Mark Weir made the motion to pay the bills, Margaret Wolff second, passed.

Chief’s Report:

Between September and January 1 there were 24 calls. this year (2007) there has been one call so far.

Diplomas from the various training programs have been received. two firefighters, Adam Kantor and Mike Thayer, are taking the firefighter one course,

There is a need for new turnout gear and it is recommended that the entry Firefighters wear yellow. Rich Carr noted money has been set aside in the 2007 budget for this expenditure.

Garrison put a new tank shut off valve on Truck E-96.

Margaret Wolff made the motion to accept the Chief’s report. Mark Weir second, carried.

first Responders report:

First Lt. Rick Kelly indicated training and refresher courses are being taken and the squad has answered 12 calls.

Mark Weir made a motion to accept the 1st responder’s squad report, second by Margaret Wolff and Carried.

The fire Police report:

Squad Captain Marvin Mulford reported that the supply order is in. The fire School will be held on the 11th, 18th and 25th of January for which all Fire police are registered.

The training video, acquired by Marvin for the Fire Police, has been shown to the entire fire company.

Motion to accept the Fire Police Squad Captain’s report was made by Margaret Wolff, and second by Mark Weir. The motion was approved.

Fire Auxiliary report by Donna Mulford:

The Christmas project went very well. Twenty-Four Poinsettias and three food baskets were distributed. Because there were so many

Company members distributing the items, recipients and distributors had the opportunity to chat, which was a very good way to bring the community together.

Elections were held On January 8th and Donna Mulford will again be president. Vice President is Marvin Mulford and the Secretary is Mary Ann Ruggerio. Social Activities (also known as sunshine) will be handled by Linda Lionetti.

Donna reported that people are asking to use the fire hall. a calendar to schedule this is in the chief’s office. The hall has been reserved twice for the month of February. The deposit for the hall is $50.00 or $100.00 to include the use of the kitchen. The hall will be checked before and after. Donna noted that before much longer she felt the wall oven should be put in and the door to the closet fixed. Shelves in the closet are needed for storage. She is also trying to get cutlery and dishes for the kitchen as well as other equipment.

A pancake breakfast is Tentatively scheduled for March 18th.

Jim atwell suggested a Hoagie Friday to raise money. also suggested were chicken BBQ and bingo.

The question of insurance was raised and the answer was that a person renting the hall would need to have proof of Insurance, usually obtainable as a rider on ones homeowner insurance.

The Public Health permit is due during 2007.

A Motion to accept the Auxiliary report was made by Mark Weir and second by Margaret Wolff. Motion carried.

Other reports:

Rich Carr and Matt Lionetti are taking the EMT B course which started early fall and will be completed by June.

First Responder and Hazmat issues are up to date.

EVOC will be held April 28 and 29. All drivers will be taking it. The practical test portion of the course will take place at the High School parking lot, trolley lot or at the gym. The insurance company is running it for free.

Most rural areas are a 9 rating for homeowners insurance. an 8B fire rating for the district has been applied for.

Matt Lionetti will get a container for flammable substances.

The issue of jackets and Fire Company patches was addressed. Fire police now have vests and hats, First responders need jackets which need to be easily identifiable. The cost of $65.00 will provide the jacket with all the embroidery and reflective tape included. Each squad will decide on what they want on theirs. Summer attire for the First Responders will probably be a shirt or jacket. Margaret Wolff brought out that all Fire Company jackets should be the same for safety, pride and uniformity.

A motion to buy twelve jackets for the first responders at the cost of $65.00 was made by Margaret Wolff, second by Mark Weir, carried.

Old Business:

Chief Alan Thayer was contacted by Hartwick Fire Department Chief John Bush. Hartwick is having the County fire convention this year and wanted to know if Fly Creek would help if needed.

Concerning the Safe Deposit Box, Rich Carr is waiting for a response from his letter requesting the key.

New Business:

The goals for 2007

*Dry Hydrants implemented with a target of six. Chief Thayer will obtain specifications and regulations for them.

*Smoke Detectors put in every home. Application for a grant with the potential of $51,000.00 will be completed.

* Reflective 911 numbers for every home in the district. It was suggested this would be a good Eagle Scout project with the district supplying the numbers.

*CPR training for all residents. Certified Instructors will do it for free.

Matt Lionetti mentioned the First Responders are working at the Hall O Fame Induction and at Concerts in Cooperstown.

Margaret Wolff made the motion that the Fire Company needs jackets and the district will pay the cost. Mark Weir second, carried. First Responders will get their jackets first and then the Fire Company. All members will get the same style jacket.

Margaret Wolff made the motion to get hats to match the jackets, second by Mark Weir, carried.

The next meeting will be February 14th.

Margaret Wolff made the motion to adjourn, second by Mark Weir and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Claire Kepner