Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218
Fly Creek, NY 13337
August 16, 2007

Present:  Richard Carr, Ed Kukenberger, Margaret Wolff, Mark Weir, Claire Kepner, Secretary and Elizabeth Staffin, treasurer.

At 7:03 we rose for the Pledge to the flag after which the minutes were read and corrected. They were accepted after motions by Mark Weir and Margaret Wolff.

There was no Correspondence

The Chief and the emergency squad captain were not present so there were no reports.

Fire Police:
Marvin Mulford reported that when the Fire Police go on a drill, all goes well but on actual emergencies, things fall apart.  His example was an emergency at Cattown where the lack of radios caused the issues.

There have been requests for the Fire police to direct traffic for funerals.  By law, they cannot.  Only Fire emergencies are covered by insurance.  Marvin said people may do it on their own but cannot wear Fire Police or FCFC insignia.

Motions to accept the report were made by Mark Weir and Ed Kukenberger and passed.

Donna Mulford reported the preparations for the pancake breakfast are going well. They still need help that day.  It was noted that an ad was  placed in the Pennysaver.

Ed Kukenberger and Margaret Wolff made motions to accept the report and passed.

Other Reports:
The Fire Convention is in Hartwick, Saturday, August 18th with the parade starting at 6:00, line up at this fire hall at 5:00.

The district budget needs to be submitted at the town board meeting on September 12, 2007.

There are courses on the management of the Fire district and it was felt the purchase of the tapes, rather than attending the course, was preferred.  

No report about FEMA Grant

The interior Fire Fighters have been measured for new turnout gear and the new carbon fiber air tanks are on the trucks.  We will eventually receive the money from Assemblyman McGee's office.

The training completion records are going to be requested from the state by Sue Hascup at the county fire coordinators office.

Old Business:
Margaret Wolff reported that on July 24th the judge dismissed the case at the request of the Pernat & Colby lawyer. The reason it was thrown out is that Margaret did not have written permission from the commissioners to proceed with this claim.  She needs a notarized statement. Edward Kukenberger made the motion to resolve that 
"Margaret Wolff is authorized on behalf of all the Fly Creek Fire District Commissioners to proceed with any and all action needed to recover cost incurred in the gaining of entrance of the safe deposit box which was at the key bank in Cooperstown."

This motion for a resolution was second by Mark Weir and unanimously passed.

New Business:
Rich carr stated the Emergency Squad needs additional funding.  Initially they were allocated $1500.00 and their funds have been depleted after purchasing equipment. They have had a lot of calls and many items on the rig need replacing.  They also need to purchase another back board.

After discussion it was decided they will just have the bills sent to the commissioners, just as the Fire Company does.

Public Comment:
Marvin Mulford mentioned that as a county delegate, he has learned of a school in Albany on October 27 & 28.  This school is to deal with the safety needed when encountering a hybrid vehicle in an emergency.  There is no charge for this course and registration may be done on the internet.  This information will be put up on the blackboard.

Claire was requested to put a legal notice in the paper about the change of the meeting for September to Tuesday, September 11th.

Financial Report:
Checking Account
Balance Forward	  9010.27
Interest	          .89
Check from R Carr	    120.30
Transfer	  9700.00
Less Bills paid	11382.31
Current balance	  7449.15

MBIA account
Balance Forward	201124.36
Less Transfer	    9700.00
Plus interest	      833.45
Current Balance	192257.81

Town of Otsego (fuel)	  298.66
Bruce Hall	      7.98
Time Warner (cable)	    49.95
Changing Seasons (plants)	    98.79
Verizon	    83.22
Bassett Healthcare	    40.00
Creative Electronics	1732.37
Ace hardware	    95.33
Verizon	    83.36
Action Doors	  485.00
Smith ford	    20.00

Ed Kukenberger made a motion to accept the financial report and pay the bills. Second by Mark Weir and passed.

Motion to adjourn was made by Margaret Wolff, second by Ed Kukenberger, carried.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 
at 6 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Claire Kepner


After a thorough discussion, Commissioner Kukenberger offered the following
 resolution which was seconded by Commissioner Weir:

 RESOLVED, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fly Creek Fire
District wishes to pursue legal action against former Commissioner
Patricia Pernat and Yvonne Colby , secretary/treasurer and herewith 
authorizes Commissioner Margaret Wolff to pursue such legal as is necessary to 
recover the costs involved in recovering the contents of the Safety Deposit Box 
held in the name of the Fly Creek Fire District located at the Key Bank in
Cooperstown, NY. The Fly Creek Fire District agrees to be bound by the
decision of the Judge, reserving their right to appeal in accordance with
the Uniform Justice Court Act.

All commissioners voted in favor of the Resolution as indicated by their
signature below.

Commissioner Carr ___________________________________________

Commissioner Merk___________________________________________

Commissioner Kukenberger ____________________________________

Commissioner Weir ___________________________________________

Commissioner Wolff __________________________________________

The above signators, known by me personally, each appeared and signed
this document on ___________________

"Notary Public"