Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek, NY 13337

August 10, 2006

Present: Richard Carr, Mark Weir, Wolf Merk, Edward Kukenberger, Margaret Wolff, Elizabeth Staffin (treasurer) and Claire Kepner (secretary)

At 7:10 Chair Richard Carr requested the assembly to join him in the pledge to the flag.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and a correction of Maureen Weirs name was requested (not Maureen Kukenberger). A motion to accept as corrected was made by Mark Weir, second by Wolf Merk and carried.

A discussion of the bills ensued with the comment that Garrison is considerably less expensive than our previous truck maintenance company.


A letter was received from Barbara Lyon for the help provided to her during the flood. A donation to the Fire Company was enclosed.

A letter from Pauline Greeley including a donation was also received.

Financial Report:

The balance in the checking account is $20,432.18, Allstate $41,647.55 plus interest, MBIA the balance is $146,559.86 and in the 2% account the balance is $1849.85. A motion to accept was made by Ed Kukenberger, second by Mark Weir, carried unanimously.

Bills and transfers:

Rich Carr advised the group that the three trucks are now equipped with basic hand tools at the cost of $118.00

Ten Thousand dollars needs to be allocated to pay the mortgage which is payable once a year. The plan is to pay it off completely when everything is back on level ground.

Twelve Motorola hand held radios, twelve pagers and a base with antenna are going to be purchased. All chips will be included and a rapid recharge. Requests to provide these items were sent to three companies and two replied. CREATIVE ELECTRONICS Was chosen and is the same company that supplies Cooperstown and Schuyler Lake. Margaret Wolf made the motion to purchase these items, second by Wolf Merk, carried unanimously.

A computer and Fax MACHINE are needed so that all reports from the chief CAN be filed electronically. When there is a fire, details will be faxed from dispatch DIRECTLY to the Fire Hall. Ed Kukenberger made the motion to approve the expenditure of $1000.00 for these items, second by Mark Weir, approved unanimously.

Fire Company Tee shirts are being printed at the cost of $350.00, $6.00 a unit. They will be sold as a fund raiser. Rich Carr mentioned that someone from Cherry Hill, New Jersey, stopped by and wanted a shirt. He left $40.00 with the request that they be sent. Mr. Carr commented that we are going “interstate”. Wolf Merk made the motion to pay for the shirts, second by Margaret Wolff, carried unanimously.

A motion to pay the bills was made by Ed Kukenberger, second by Wolf Merk and approved.

NYSEG $896.73

Bruce Hall $55.49

Pickett Lock and Safe

For changing of locks $80.28

Town of Otsego for fuel $123.20

Fly Creek General Store

For fuel during flood $149.62

Haggerty Ace Hardware $32.45

Key Bank Mortgage $10.036.23

Richard Carr (truck supplies) $118.86

Margaret Wolff advised everyone that Sweeney’s Flowers donated $25.00 worth of flowers to beautify the fire Hall. The secretary was requested to send a thank you.

Chief’s Report:

Allan Thayer reported that all trucks have now been inventoried and a clean up day is planned. Next Monday there will be a drill and every Monday at 7:00. The firefighters need to go through 4 to 5 weeks of training and WILL DRILL with Cooperstown and Schuyler LAKE.

A motion to accept the chief’s report was made by Ed Kukenberger, second by Margaret Wolff, carried unanimously.

Auxiliary Report:

Donna Mulford she, her daughter and husband have been busy cleaning the kitchen top to bottom in preparation for the pancake breakfast Saturday august 26 from 7:30 to 10AM. There is now An additional wall oven for the kitchen thanks to wolf Merk.

Linda Coe and Donna have been mailing out letters for donations for the breakfast. They need 31 dozen eggs and help in the form of servers, kitchen help and cleaners.

The Fire hall will be open for open house that day.

The Fly Creek Area Historic Society was thanked for their donations for the breakfast of items left over from their Quilt Show.

Mark Weir requested the breakfast be advertised on the sign and include that volunteers are needed.

A motion to accept the report was made by Margaret Wolff, second by Wolf Merk, carried.

Rich Carr reported that he has filled out the paper work for FEMA to be reimbursed for expenses, such as gas and pumps, that were incurred from the flood.

A grant for $2000.00 from Assemblyman Bill Magee was recently received. It was given to the old Fire Department who did not act upon it. Mr. Magee’s office called and asked if it was still wanted and was answered in the affirmative. The grant is for a communication devices used with air packs.

The ambulance was the next topic to be addressed. It is 30 years old, is taking up space, and is not worth it to fix it up to current standards. A motion to sell it was made by Wolf Merk, second by Margaret Wolff, carried unanimously. If it sells for less than $1000.00 it does not have to go out to bid. Mike Staffin will allow it to be placed at his garage with a for sale sign

Rich Carr reported Otsego County wants to store a Hazmat ambulance and a State Police Air Boat in our bays.

He also reported that the first batch of 7 physicals for the firefighters has been taken and the next group will be done in September. Basic training for all the first responders is needed. They are allowed to respond after completing a 12 hour facts course.

OSHA Fire Brigade Standards training will take place here in the fire station.

Bill Preston is repainting the sign and the fire trucks.

Mr. Carr is going to get membership and blue light cards for the Fire Company. They are mandatory for the members that have blue lights on their cars.

No Old Business

New Business:

Rich Carr introduced the new officers of the Fire Company.

Chief: -------------------------------alan Thayer

Assistant chief:-----------------George Hymas

Fire Police Captain: ------------marvin Mulford

First Responder Captain:----Patty Schultz

Incorporators:-----------------Alan Thayer, Rich Kelly, Linda Coe, Mike Staffin

Corporate Officers:

President:-------------------Andrew Marietta

Vice President:-------------Linda Coe

Secretary/Treasurer:--Pat Gambitta

It was mentioned by Rich Carr that the Auxiliary needs more volunteers. Daniels’ Brothers volunteered to do truck and ground maintenance and will detail the trucks.

Applications for the Fire Company are still coming in.

Wolf Merk told of a fireman from Oregon, who stopped by for patches. Wolf made the suggestion that a contest be held for the design. Wolf will devise the guidelines.

Anne Geddes Atwell was thanked for her nice letter in the local papers.

Mark Weir stated that after reading the fire law it states one needs to be a resident of the Fire District to be in the Fire Company unless the commissioners make other guidelines. Mark made the motion to allow people who wish to join the Fire Company need not live in the Fire District. This is to be refined and added to the By-Laws. Margaret Wolff seconds the motion, carried unanimously.

Anne Geddes Atwell stated she had tears of joy. She thanked everyone for making a smooth a harmonious transition. It was considered an historic evening with the introduction of the new Fire company members.

Rich Carr said it would not have been possible without support of the community and surrounding Fire Departments. Jim Atwell added Mark Weir’s name to that list.

Rich Carr thanked all for attending and proceeded to introduce the new members of the Fly Creek Fire Company who were in attendance.

A motion to adjourn was made by Wolf Merk, second by Ed Kukenberger carried at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Claire Kepner