Fly Creek Fire District Commissioners


Fly Creek Fire House

April 27, 2006


Margaret Wolff, Edward Kukenberger, Wolf Merk, Mark Weir, Richard Carr and Claire Kepner, secretary.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair Richard Carr and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Rich Carr reported that last night Cooperstown Fire Department had a drill here in Fly Creek and 30 to 40 members showed up. They spoke with property owners and checked out the area.

Linda Coe requested that the auxiliary be notified next time they were to drill here so that the auxiliary could provide refreshments.

A motion to authorized Betty Staffin, treasurer, to send $1000.00 to our attorney, David Merzig, and $8056.00 to the insurance company to pay the premium. This covers $7460.00 for general liability and $596. for a policy rider. This was made by Wolf Merk and second by Ed Kukenberger and unanimously carried.

A Certificate of Incorporation for the Fly Creek Volunteer Fire Company was read. Margaret Wolff made a motion to accept the motion to proceed with the incorporation and was second by Wolf Merk and carried unanimously. Rich Carr mentioned it needed to be signed before the commissioners left the building.

We need to do it now because the paper work is dated for April and needs to be filed this month.

Mark Weir wanted to know if it need to be notarized and was advised “no”.

These papers are to go the State Attorney General and then will go to the County Clerks office for recording.

LOSAP, a modest retirement plan for volunteers was brought up and the question of whether it is feasible for a small company is to be checked into by Wolf Merk.

Rich Carr mentioned one more price is to come in for contracting the fire coverage.

The audit is to be on the agenda at the next meeting. It is available on line at and go to “comptrollers office” and then “audit”. Rich Carr had copies.

Rich Carr thanked all for attending the meeting.

Wolf Merk wanted to fill everyone in on the First Responders. The license had lapsed due to the prior administration did not file necessary paperwork. He is to make phone calls and get the First Responders back in business and that names can now be collected to fill roster. They are to be known as Fly Creek Fire Company First Responders.

Rich Carr mentioned the letters for the sign have been delivered and the FCAHS is to use them first.

Josh Kantor reported the kitchen sink will cost about $475.00 and it was mentioned that the Historic Society is also looking for one so maybe we could do a joint venture.

At 7:18 PM Ed Kukenberger made a motion to adjourn: second by Wolf Merk and passed.

Respectfully Submitted

Claire Kepner