Fly Creek Board of Fire Commissioners
P O Box 218

Fly Creek, NY 13337

April 11, 2007

Present: Richard Carr, Wolf Merk, Margaret Wolff, Elizabeth Staffin

(Treasurer) Claire Kepner (secretary)

At 7:13 Richard Carr, Chairperson, led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes were read and corrections were made: to a notation in the bills, it was not Marv lite but Marv Mulford reimbursed for a light: it is not the Fire Police that do not have by-laws but the auxiliary and the auxiliary was reimbursed for kitchen supplies, not Donna Mulford. Wolf Merk made the motion to accept the corrected Minutes, second by Margaret Wolff, carried.

Correspondence included a thank you from Gary Jennings for the first responders responding to a call at his home and from Bassett Healthcare a thank you for the use of the fire hall for a meeting of NYCAM.

Rich let the attendees know that Bill Greeley’s son-in-law brought in memorabilia pertaining to the Fly Creek Fire protection agency. Mr. Greeley was a fire commissioner for years and has many pictures and other memorabilia, including trophies that are going to be donated to us.

Financial report:

Checking balance forward 119,328.96

Interest 19.05

Less bills paid 14,409.15

Current balance 104,938.86

MBIA balance forward 110,476.77

Interest 473.47

Current balance 110,950.24

Total 215,889.00

2% account 1904.35

Interest 8.08

Balance 1912.43


Bruce Hall 91.58

Haggerty Ace Hardware 49.99

Mark Weir

For safe deposit box drill out 200.00

FC Fire Company

(Remainder of 2% acct) 377.41

Richard Carr

Reimburse for Dept of State

Application fee for tax number 53.18

Kaps Krew (building repair) 265.19

Time Warner 49.95

Bassett Healthcare _ Matt Lionetti

Hepatitis Vaccine shot 40.00

Mirabito 619.13

Advanced fire Protection Co

Recharge fire extinguisher 41.50

Kingsley Power System

Maint of Generator 405.00

Verizon 73.77

Brown Randall Inc

Rental fee O2 cylinders 100.00

VRS Sales Ltd (fix 96) 648.75

Town of Otsego (fuel) 359.25

Adam Kantor

Reimburse for key rings 171.35

Creative Electronics

Pager repair 258.15

Advanced Fire Protection 18.00

Margaret Wolff made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report and to pay the bills, second by wolf Merk, carried.

Chief’s Report:

Alan Thayer reported that Ed Kukenberger obtained new tires for truck 15 and they have been installed. George Hymas has figured that for the first quarter of the year there has been 253 hours of training.

The by Laws will be done by next month.

The tax exempt number is to be obtained from the NY Dept. of State this month.

Middlefield Fire District gave FCFC used jackets and pants and other paraphernalia that was gratefully accepted.

Requests have come in to burn down a couple of buildings; the old Weir house which would be good to first use for fire training and smoke drills and a house on Thayer Road. Permission from the EPA will first have to be received.

Truck 96 has been out and used. The long suction hose has a leak and will be used for either the 1st hose and kept under water or needs to be replaced.

Rich Carr had called Garrison and if it has a bolt end, it can be repaired.

An EMS Appreciation night will be held May 18th at the Howard Johnson’s on Route 28.

Two men are taking Fire Fighter One Course, Mike Thayer and Adam Kantor.

Wolf Merk made a motion, second by Margaret Wolff to accept the report, carried.

Rich Carr noted that a training from a VRS mechanic is expected along with procedure manuals for truck E96.

First Responders Report:

Patty Schultz stated they had a drill with Cooperstown and it went very well. They were invited to practice again with Cooperstown.

According to regulations the First responders were supposed to elect new officers, but by majority vote, they decided to keep the officers they have.

There are courses coming up for First Responders certification.

Rich Carr and Matt Lionetti are nearing the completion of their EMT courses which end the third week in May.

Rich Carr ordered and received, padded splint boards and A demand valve regulator for the 1st responder squad.

Mark Weir has expressed interest in taking the EMT course nest year.

The county may be offering a 50 hour certified First Responder course next fall.

A motion to accept the report was made by Margaret Wolff, second by Wolf Merk, carried.

Fire Police Report:

Marvin Mulford reported the fire Police are drilling with the Fire Company and stated a need for two additional radios.

Wolf Merk made the motion to accept with Margaret Wolff seconding, carried.

Auxiliary Report:

Donna Mulford mentioned the pancake breakfast was a success with $730.00 cleared. She thanked the Fire Company for all their help.

The response for refreshments for the Philharmonic was overwhelming resulting in an over laden table and a donation of $1000.00 to the Fire agency with the Fire Company and the Auxiliary each receiving $500.00

In answer to the question “what does the Auxiliary do?” Donna answered that they back up the fire fighters, help with food and help families in the area. The Auxiliary keeps the pantry filled so that food and beverages are available when the fighters need it, especially after a fire.

On March 24th the auxiliary helped with a brunch that was held after the funeral of Violet Schallert, Mark Weir’s aunt and a long time community member. It went well with about five people doing the work. The cost was $140.00 and a donation of $170.00 was received.

After discussion it was decided that the auxiliary would do coffee and cake for such functions for community members, whereas a meal would be appropriate for immediate fire family members.

Donna questioned what the need was on the 28th of April for the Drivers Safety course that will be held here in Fly Creek. The answer was that coffee all day and a lunch for about 20 people would be sufficient.

Motions by Wolf Merk and Margaret Wolff to accept the auxiliary report were made and passed.

Wolf Merk received a letter from Glimmerglass Creative Learning Center. They requested the use of our kitchen weekly, until their building was complete. After discussion it was decided that we could not meet their needs and the secretary was asked to write them a letter advising them of the decision, after motions by Margaret Wolff and Wolf Merk were made and carried.

Rich Carr brought to everyone’s attention that our priorities are:

1- service to the community

2- Loyalty to each other.

Other reports:

Grant update by Jim Wolff: He is working on the FEMA grant that needs the number of calls for the last 3 years. Since the prior establishment did not do the reports as required, Jim will extrapolate and explain in the narrative section.

Rich Carr advised the application has been sent to Scriven and Clark Foundations to purchase a tanker tender.

He also noted, because of the hard work of Margaret Wolff, a $10,000 grant has been obtained from Assemblyman Jim Magee’s office.

Chief Alan Thayer requested that money go toward composite air tanks for the interior fire fighters and other new equipment.

Another matching grant from the Dept. of Environmental Conservation for portable radios, generators and tools is being sent for review.

Chief Thayer will approach Dave Turner for the return of a pager.

On page one of the Cooperstown Crier, Fly Creek received favorable coverage. Margaret Wolff and members of her quilt club gave quilts to five local first responder squads. the quilts will be used to comfort children involved in an emergency situation.

After Discussion it was agreed the uniform for parades will be a white short sleeve shirt. Margaret Wolff will order a selection of sizes from a catalog at the cost of $13.00 per shirt. A FC patch and American Flag will be attached to each shirt. The men and women marching are to provide their own black pants and black ties.

The automatic overhead garage door will be on bay # 1 and a lock box will be put up outside with firefighters having a key.

Wolf Merk pointed out there is a NYS Department of Education Scholarship available. We could point this out when trying to recruit young people.

Joining FASNY was discussed.

The Fire district will audit all books in January. An extension of 60 days has been requested of the state. An outside audit has been rejected by the commissioners because the comptroller’s office recently reviewed our books and complemented Betty of the job she is doing. Before the next meeting the commissioners will meet with Pat Gambetta, secretary/treasurer, from the Fire Company, Pam Deanne, secretary/treasurer, from the First Responders and Donna Mulford, president, of the Auxiliary to review their books.

By law, unless our budget was over $200,000.00, we do not need a yearly audit.

Wolf Merk requested a list of who made donations to the Company in his mother-in-law’s memory.

No Old Business

New Business:

George Hymas reported Chuck Hascup from Hartwick called with the information that Holje farm on Christian Hill would like to have 2 buildings burned down. The owners are to contact us.

A motion to adjourn was made by Wolf Merk, Second by Margaret Wolff and carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Claire Kepner, secretary