Town Of Otsego

Comprehensive Planning Committee Minutes

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Those in attendance at the meeting were Tom Breiten, Town Supervisor; Anne Geddes-Atwell, Town Board Member; Jonathan Bass, Planning Board Chairman; Paul Lord, Planning Board Member; Merk Walker, Bill Kitchen and Anita Weber, Committee Members.

Anne spoke of the recent discussions she and Meg had with local residents who showed up for a canceled Committee Meeting. Residents expressed their concerns about the proposal for the new land use regulations, conservation subdivision. There was some confusion over whether logging rights were to be diminished. Residents also requested committee meeting notification.

Committee members discussed their concerns about the conservation subdivision land use proposal. Specific mention was made regarding an anonymous flyer that was circulated Town wide to all resident property owners. The Committee agreed that another flyer should be sent out to address each of the misconceptions stated in the anonymous flyer. Some committee members suggested that the Committee attend the October 4th, meeting at the Fire Hall. Another suggestion was to ask Nan Stolzenburg to attend a Committee meeting whereby all Town Board, Planning Board, and Zoning Board members would attend as well, to be updated on the current land use proposal. A second Public Hearing was recommended for the community with Nan in attendance.

There was mention of changing the current land use law to reflect the Town’s acceptance of a variety of lot sizes besides the 3 acre minimum lot size to encourage development toward larger lot sizes.

Tom once again reiterated his main concern for a revised land use proposal to be one that would protect the value of land for current property owners as well as protecting property owners who want to sell property.

The Committee then went over the Goals and Strategies outlined by the consultant, Nan Stolzenburg.

The Committee approved these goals and strategies for implementation of the land use law with the following exceptions:

Corrections for 3.8 To establish a “Town wide tree program” instead of saying a “street tree program in Fly Creek”;

Exclude 3.10 and 3.11

Replace 4.11 with : “ Apply laws that”… instead of : Understand the applicable laws”…

Exclude 5.9;

Add in 6.15; …” the Planning Board should evaluate the parcel to determine the best possible location and construction type for a new structure in order to reduce flood hazards”.

Delete in 7.2; “ major” where it says “ for major developments”

Indent for 9., a through e;

Definition is needed for 11.2 regarding farm stands.

The Committee adjourned with the intention of trying to meet each Thursday evening at 7pm to complete work on the land use regulations and the Comprehensive Plan.

Respectively submitted,

Anita Weber