Town Of Otsego

Comprehensive Planning Committee Minutes

August 31, 2006

Those in attendance at the meeting were Tom Breiten, Town Supervisor; Anne-Geddes Atwell, Town Board Member, Jonathan Bass, Planning Board Chairman, Paul Lord, Planning Board Member; Bill Kitchen, Planning Committee Member; Bennett Sandler, GIS specialist Committee Member and Anita Weber, Planning Committee Member.

Discussion continued on the proposal to revise the land use law to consider only conservation subdivision regulations and thereby discontinuing the reference to lot boundaries as they existed in 1987.

A letter from Andrian Kuzminski was distributed and read at the meeting.

The possibility of using GIS software and Arc Explorer was discussed. Bennett Sandler offered to look into the possibility of the Town using this software, especially when establishing suitable building sites.

Tom said density should be based on developable land and to determine the land that should be preserved.

Committee went through an exercise of how a conservation subdivision would be examined setting aside primary conservation areas and following the suggested four step process.

Next meeting will take place at Merk Walker’s Farm on Huff Road, 7pm on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2006.

Respectfully submitted draft,

Anita Weber