Town Of Otsego

Comprehensive Planning Committee Minutes

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The meeting commenced a few minutes past 7pm. Those in attendance were Tom Breiten, Town Supervisor; Anne Geddes-Atwell, Town Board; Paul Lord, Planning Board; Bill Kitchen, Sam Hoskins and Anita Weber, Planning Committee Members.

The initial discussion began with the committee commenting on Jonathan Bass’ email. In his email to all Committee members, Jonathan expressed the desire to continue with the current 1987 land use regulation law of first lot split, minor( up to 4 lots) and major(5 or more lots) subdivision and then tying in the conservation subdivision to the existing regulations without the open space provisions.

It was his feeling and concern that the open space provisions would cause opposition within the community and thus hold up the Board’s approval for any changes to the land use law.

Tom discussed the importance of maintaining all components of a conservation subdivision which included the open space component. It was mentioned that Nan emailed the Committee members, also with the hope that the Committee members understand the significance of keeping all components of a conservation subdivision intact in order to achieve the goals expressed by the community in the Town survey. Nan stated …”I understand that there may be opposition to an open space provision by some, but from the survey and workshops, it seems that the community is hoping for and expecting preservation of open space as an outcome of this planning process. …using an open space requirement during subdivision is one of the most direct ways of getting there. My experiences has been that once people understand that the technique does not necessarily create smaller lot sizes, and that it is a logical way to lay out subdivisions, it is readily accepted by most people”….

Tom indicated that the Town must specify how and when a conservation subdivision will be done which is most likely when a major subdivision is at stake.

Anne also expressed her opinion that the open space requirement would satisfy some of those who responded to the Town Survey.

Tom went on to discuss the 1987 law and how there may be a need for revisions regarding the impact of single lot splits and the overall density for those recently created once the conservation subdivision law is in effect.

Paul said he would like to see the Planning Board disregard the 1987 land use law once the new conservation subdivisions regulations are approved and in place. This would do away with the idea of first lot splits, minor and major subdivisions in favor of reviewing all subdivisions as conservation subdivisions. Paul felt this would lessen the confusion between the l987 law and the current law.

Sam Hoskins spoke of a discrepancy he found with the agricultural map that was emailed to the committee pertaining to the Fly Creek Hamlet area. It seems that there were some areas not designated as agricultural properties near the Hamlet that are currently being farmed, but not shown on the map. The Committee felt this needed clarification or correction on the map. The Committee would like to know from Nan the criteria used in creating the agricultural maps.

The Committee is asking Nan to do a build out comparison as follows:

  1. Show how a conservation subdivision would appear using the 1987 law, original lots;

  2. Without referencing to the 1987 law, show a conservation subdivision of every lot over 20 acres with consideration of the 10 acre density.

Tom said he would contact MaryBeth Vargha to ask if she could map all the restrictions found on Merk Walker’s property as well as a possible aerial photo. It was tentatively discussed that the next meeting would be set at Merk’s property for Wednesday, August 30th, 7pm on Huff Road as an exercise in planning a conservation subdivision.

Tom mentioned he has been in touch with Earl Petersen from the Otsego Land Trust to be a possible consultant for maintaining the open space easements for the conservation subdivision, but that the Land Trust would not be involved in the approval or political process.

Tom and Paul discussed that the Town Board should get GIS software and nontechnical machine to use it to assist in providing data for the Boards.

Anne and Anita will try to meet with Town Board member, Meg Kiernan to discuss the concept of the conservation subdivision, prior to the Public Meeting on September 6th.

Tom will begin the Public Hearing, but due to another commitment, Tom will ask Meg to continue with the Public Hearing.

Next meeting to be on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 7pm. The location is yet to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,

Anita Weber