Town of Otsego

Comprehensive Planning Committee Minutes

August 16, 2006

The meeting commenced at 7:20pm. Those in attendance were Tom Breiten, Town Supervisor; Anne Geddes-Atwell, Town Board Member; Jonathan Bass, Planning Board Chairman; Bill Kitchen and Anita Weber, Planning Committee Members.

Let the minutes reflect that the committee decided under the proposed land use law that section C 3.2 state “Minimum street frontage: 20 feet per current zoning regulations.”

Let the minutes also reflect that the committee decided to change the wording in section C.1 state …”at least fifty (50) percent of the tract’s developable acreage”…

Further discussion followed on minimum lot size and densities. Subdivision requests have always been viewed in accordance with the 1987 Law. It was suggested that the law be written to say there would be no difference between 1st lot splits, minor or major subdivisions in the Town. Another committee member wondered if NYS law required Towns to allow for the lst lot split.

Tom mentioned that one member not present at the meeting had concerns regarding the 50 % minimum space requirement of conservation subdivisions and how the open space would be paid for. A discussion ensued having the Committee feel the parcels in this type of subdivision would become more valuable especially if the open space was held in perpetuity and be contiguous to other open space parcels.

The absent member was also concerned with the possibility the single lot splits would no longer be allowed.

Let the minutes reflect that the committee decided that the new law should still allow single lot splits without an entire tract survey.

Tom Breiten will speak with Earl Petersen at the Otsego Land Trust regarding ways the Town could work the Land Trust on the idea of preserving open space.

Let the Minutes reflect that the Committee had decided to remove the cluster development and density bonuses from the current land use law; specifically Sections 2:10, 2:11, and 2:12.

Tom Breiten mentioned he would speak with the Town Attorney to integrate the proposed conservation subdivision with the current land use law.

The committee expressed a desire to change the definition of special use and accessory use.

The Committee listened to a list of recommendation from the Pierstown area several of which were discussed. One being, a special district with a very specific overlay be completed as a guide for the Boards to review within the comprehensive plan . Another Pierstown suggestion was to enact a public hearing notice to inform people of any significant subdivision plans as stated on the tract. These suggestions by the Pierstown group will be emailed to each committee member for their review for further discussion by Tom Breiten.

Let the minutes reflect that the Committee would like Nan Stolzenburg to be the main speaker at the Sept 6th Public Hearing to explain the ideas of conservation subdivision, through oral, written and visual aids. The Committee would like to see a question and answer period be available as well.

Anne asked for a separate public workshop for the Town Boards for a better understanding of conservation subdivisions.

Committee Members email as soon as possible as to whether the next meeting should be held 8/23/06 or 8/24/06 at 7pm. This is to ensure that the majority of members are in attendance.

Please review Nan’s Goals and Strategies which was recently email to every committee member.

Respectively submitted,

Anita Weber