Town of Otsego Zoning Board of Appeals

Minutes - October 19, 2004

The monthly Town of Otsego Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting was held on this date. In the absence of the chairman and vice-chairman, Sam Hoskins was designated acting chairman by virtue of his seniority. Hoskins called the public hearing to order at 7:37 PM.


Application #04.06 - James Gleason - Area variances; side- and front-yard setbacks, 6872 St. Hwy. 80, Cooperstown (#69.36-2-25.00)

Present were three neighbors of Mr. Gleason's: Armin and Nancy Sommer, and Carol Taylor. They asked questions about the proposed building, and Zoning Enforcement Officer Jane Berry explained that it would be a simple garage, designed only for the storage of vehicles. Each of the neighbors agreed that the proposed project was an improvement, and offered no objections to it.

With no further speakers or correspondence on the subject, Joe Potrikus made a motion to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Jim Ferrari and carried unanimously.


Upon the close of the public hearing, acting chairman Sam Hoskins called the monthly ZBA meeting to order at 7:44 PM. Roll call was taken by ZBA secretary Bill Deane. Board members present were Hoskins, Jim Ferrari, and Joe Potrikus. Absent were Anthony Scalici (chairman) and Greg Crowell (vice chairman). Also present was Zoning Enforcement Officer Jane Berry.

The Board referred to the minutes of the September 21 meeting, prepared by Bill Deane and mailed to the members. Jim Ferrari moved to approve the minutes as written. Joe Potrikus seconded the motion, there was no further discussion, and the motion was carried unanimously.

Correspondence consisted only of the Towns & Topics magazine, which was distributed to the members. The Board then proceeded to the application on the agenda.


Application #04.06 - James Gleason - Area variances; side- and front-yard setbacks, 6872 St. Hwy. 80, Cooperstown (#69.36-2-25.00)

No one was present on behalf of this application. ZBA secretary Bill Deane noted that two neighbors had phoned with questions about the project, but neither had expressed any objections to it. Deane mentioned that the letter to neighbor Karl Demnitz was returned to sender as "unable to forward." Deane also introduced a note received from Mr. Gleason, stating that he measured the width of Badger Lane, as requested by the ZBA during the September meeting, and determined it to be 10 feet wide. Zoning Enforcement Officer Jane Berry said that she found it to be 17 feet wide, based on the survey map.

Aspects of the proposed project, particularly the dimensions, were discussed by the Board members. The variance needed would be 54 feet on the front (west) side, and five feet on the south side. The new garage would be nearly double the size of the existing shed: 576 square feet (24x24) vs. 306 square feet (17x18). The members also examined photos of the site.

Following the discussion, Jim Ferrari made a motion to approve the variance, citing his beliefs that there would be no undesirable change, that it would be in keeping in character with the neighborhood, that - due to the topography (steep slope) of the property - the benefit could not be reasonably achieved without a variance, that the variance sought was insubstantial, that there would be no adverse impact on the neighborhood, and that the neighbors agree that the project represents an improvement.

Joe Potrikus seconded the motion, adding that, having visited the site and examined the photographs and building specifications, he agrees that Mr. Gleason was doing all he could to keep within the character of the neighborhood. Sam Hoskins echoed the sentiment that the project represents an improvement. There was no further discussion and the motion was carried unanimously.


Zoning Enforcement Officer Jane Berry announced that she and Town Attorney Margaret McGown recently attended a Planning Federation conference, which they found informative and worthwhile. Berry will share information about it with ZBA members at a later time. She has asked the Town Board to budget similar conferences and workshops for next year.

Jim Ferrari asked Jane Berry about the status of the Donnybrook Bungalows project, which had recently been considered by the Town Planning Board. Ferrari had heard a rumor that the ZBA had squashed this project, when in fact it had not come before the ZBA.

Sam Hoskins remarked that he appreciated having the ZBA agenda e-mailed to him by clerk Bill Deane. Deane said that he would continue to do that for those with access to e-mail, in addition to mailing out the agendas and minutes.

With no further business, at 8:03 PM Jim Ferrari moved to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Deane, Secretary