Town of Otsego Zoning Board of Appeals

Minutes - September 21, 2004

Acting Chairman Greg Crowell called the monthly Town of Otsego Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting to order at 7:38 PM. Roll call was taken by ZBA secretary Bill Deane. Board members present were Greg Crowell (vice chairman), Jim Ferrari, Sam Hoskins, and Joe Potrikus. Absent was Anthony Scalici (chairman).

The Board referred to the minutes of the July 20 meeting, prepared by Bill Deane and mailed to the members (there was no meeting in August). Sam Hoskins moved to approve the minutes as written. Joe Potrikus seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously.

Correspondence consisted only of the Towns & Topics magazine, which was distributed to the members. The Board then proceeded to the application on the agenda.


Application #04.06 - James Gleason - Area variances; side- and front-yard setbacks, 6872 St. Hwy. 80, Cooperstown (#69.36-2-25.00)

James Gleason was present, providing an aerial photograph of the property (copied for the file) to add to the photos and documents previously submitted and distributed to the Board members. Mr. Gleason plans to replace an existing shed with a slightly-larger garage, requiring a 5-foot variance (Land Use Law, Section 2.02) on the south side and another variance at the front. Members reviewed the documents and asked questions of the applicant. The only missing information was the measurement from the center of the road, which Mr. Gleason promised to provide prior to the next meeting.

Jim Ferrari wondered whether a Section 4.04 variance would also be needed, due to the building's proximity (approximately 160 feet) to Lake Otsego. The consensus of the Board was that this is an "in-kind replacement," not requiring a Section 4.04 variance.

Joe Potrikus, who had visited the site, mentioned a neighboring new house built "right on the road." Mr. Gleason said that house was built last year by Armin and Nancy Sommer. Sam Hoskins wondered whether a variance was granted. Bill Deane provided the attendees with minutes of the October 15, 2002 ZBA public hearing, after which the Sommers' application for an area variance was approved, and the November 12, 2002 Planning Board meeting, during which the site plan was approved.

A public hearing for Mr. Gleason's application will be scheduled for October 19, 2004. Mr. Gleason will be in his winter home in Arizona by then, but plans to have a representative (builder Gus Pfeiffer) present.

There being no further business, Jim Ferrari moved to adjourn the meeting. Joe Potrikus seconded the motion, all were in favor, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Deane, Secretary