A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Otsego was held on the 8th day of July, 2008 at the Town Building, Fly Creek, and NY at 7:00 PM.

Town Board Members present were:
Thomas Breiten            Chairman
Anne Geddes-Atwell            Councilperson
Meg Kiernan                        Councilperson
Bill Michaels                        Councilperson

Others Present:
Pamela Deane                        Town Clerk

Chairman Breiten called the meeting to order.

Assessor Marie Walters introduced to the Town Board NYS Real Property Northern Region Liaison R.J. Roberts, and Otsego County Real Property Director Steve Childs.

Walters explained to the Town Board different revaluation scheduling options, annual, triennial, 5year and 10 year.  With an annual revaluation the Town would need one full time employee for every 1,500 parcels. All four options would be eligible for a $5.00/parcel reimbursement from NYS so long as the Town’s equalization rate remained at 100%.

Mr. Roberts explained that annual revaluation is usually done by trending.  That is where same style homes and about the same age are trended to new values.  Roberts did not recommend the Town Board use trending as a way of reassessing the Town for annual revaluations.

Walters read correspondence from the City of Oneonta stating that they had abandoned their annual revaluation program because residents felt they were being harassed not to mention it created a lot of confusion.  They are now on a tri-annual schedule.

Childs informed the Town Board that the Town of Otsego is valued over 1 billion dollars and he also did not recommend an annual revaluation.  Childs suggested that the Board wait 3 to 6 years before entering into a revaluation schedule.  He did not feel it was worth the expense.

Roberts informed the Board that his department needed to know the Towns Plan for a revaluation schedule no later than September 1st.  He also strongly recommended that the Board make sure that the inventory is kept up to date and not to wait as long as 20 years before the next revaluation.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM


                                                                                                            Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                            Pamela Deane
                                                                                                            Town Clerk