A Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Otsego was held on the 11th day of June, 2008 at the Town Building, Fly Creek, and NY at 7:00 PM.

Those present were:
Thomas Breiten                        Chairman
Anne Geddes-Atwell            Councilperson
John Schallert                        Councilperson
Meg Kiernan                        Councilperson
Bill Michaels                        Councilperson

Others Present:
Pamela Deane                         Town Clerk
Martin Tillapaugh            Town Attorney

Chairman Breiten called the meeting to order and asked all those in attendance to please rise for the pledge of allegiance.

MOTION by Councilperson Kiernan, seconded by Councilperson Atwell, to accept the minutes of May 7th, May 12th, and June7th meetings, as presented.

MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten, Councilpersons Michaels and Geddes Atwell vote yes.
Councilpersons Kiernan and Schallert abstain on the basis that neither were present at all three meetings.

Chairman Breiten read correspondence received, since last month’s meeting.

Chairman Breiten submitted 13 e-mails he received all from residents in the proposed sewer district most of which expressed their objection to the proposed sewer district. 

Chairman Breiten opened the floor for comments.

Carl Wenner stated he is opposed to people thinking money grows on trees and who go running to the government with every problem expecting the government to fix it.  He is also opposed to people in government who also think it is the government’s responsibility to pay for and fix all the problems that people come running to them with.  People need take it upon themselves whether form a committee, or volunteer their time, talent, and resources, and change or fix whatever they would they like to see changed or fixed.

Kathleen Chase presented a petition signed by owners of 38 properties out of the 55 properties designated to be in the proposed Hickory Grove Sewer District, requesting their properties be removed from the proposed district.

Sheila Ross of Fly Creek stated that she is not in favor of the Town Board giving the newly appointed Town Assessor Marie Walters a raise mid-year.  Her reasoning for this is she does not feel Walters has  worked for the Town long enough to prove herself, and if she is given a raise mid-year then all the other employees will expect one as well.

Chairman Breiten submitted a financial report.  Balances are as follow in the various accounts:

General Savings:      $  83,176.22                                                Highway Savings:    $  123,003.44                       
General Checking:    $  20,463.90                                                Hwy Checking:        $    34,005.01
MBIA Gen:                    $331,618.90                                                MBIA Hwy:             $  366,205.25
MBIA Equipment Fund:    $ 52,801.82                                                CD-12month                   $1,000,000.00

MOTION by Councilperson Michaels, seconded by Councilperson Kiernan, to accept the financial report, as given.

MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye

In the Highway Superintendent’s absence, Shawn Mulligan’s report was read by Chairman Breiten.
Fuel expenses are as follow:

FUEL                        GALLONS                        TOTAL COST/MONTH            YTD GALS                        YTD EXP.
Gas                               51.0                            $     173.09                                           854                            $  2,409.40
Diesel                           1,060.0                                $  4,439.73                                       9,899.8                   $ 33,697.44
Heating                                    0                                 $       -0-                                                4,302.5                          $12,771.07
Svc.                                   0                                        $       -0-                                             -0-                      $     -0-

Fork Shop Bridge has been closed, repaired, inspected and passed by Spectra Engineering and re-opened. The Allison and Stonehouse bridges are now  waiting for newly poured concrete to cure and moving along at a fast pace. Mulligan is still working with Springfield hoping they will agree to plow up to George Hymas’s house on Vibbard Road this winter.


Two pick-up bids were presented.
            Roy Teitsworth, Inc.              2006 Ford F250 4X4            44,000 miles                                    $14,995.00
            Smith Cooperstown Ford, Inc. 2005 F350   4X4 dump 14,388 miles                        $25,500.00           
Smith Ford’s bid did not meet bid specifications.

Councilperson Michaels suggested that Jones Road be designated “No thru traffic”.  Tillapaugh was not sure if Jones road would still be eligible for CHIP’s reimbursement money if it is closed to thru traffic.  He promised to research that and give them an answer next month.

MOTION by Chairman Breiten, seconded by Councilperson Geddes-Atwell, to accept Teitsworth’s truck bid of $14,995.00, and to pay the following invoices and make the necessary transfers.
GENERAL:            #119-#136                        $    24,078.24

            HWY:                        #421-#438                        $  169,094.85

MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten, Councilpersons Geddes-Atwell and Kiernan, voted yes.  Councilpersons Schallert and Michaels were in favor of paying all bills but not in favor of accepting Teitsworth’s bid for the Ford F250.

Councilperson Michaels reported that the building committee met with engineer John McManus and discussed preliminary plans for an addition to the highway garage on Cemetery Road.  McManus submitted a Contractual Agreement to draft preliminary plans not to exceed $2,500.00 for his services.

Chairman Breiten argued that the Board spent a considerable amount of money a few years ago for preliminary engineered plans for an addition to the highway building  but then the estimated cost of the addition was far more than the Board had budgeted or wanted to spend.  He suggested that before going to the expense of drafting preliminary plans, again an estimated cost of the addition is established first before investing a lot of time and money.

MOTION by Councilperson Michaels, seconded by Councilperson Schallert, to approve McManus’s Contractual Agreement for engineering services but, that a preliminary cost estimate be added to the agreement.

MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

Councilperson Geddes-Atwell suggested that the committee be expanded to include a resident of Cemetery Road.  Sheila Ross volunteered.  McManus agreed to mail Chairman Breiten a revised contract as soon as possible.

The Zoning Enforcement Officer report was given by John Stucin.  The following permits were issued since last month:
Demolition Permits:  1                            Zoning Permits: 5

Town Attorney Martin Tillapaugh reported that Verizon sued the Town of Otsego and the Village of Cooperstown claiming that their assessment of $659,000.00 on their building located on Pioneer Street, was excessive.  Their appraisal showed the property to be worth $220,000.00.  The re-val, which was done without a walk through, listed the property at $593,000.00.  Town Assessor Marie Walters and appraiser Dan Maxwell arranged with Verizon a walk-through.  A settlement was reached lowering the assessment to $493,600.00. Verizon waved reimbursement of 3 years of over-payment of taxes. Tillapaugh felt the settlement was fair and recommended, that the Board accept the settlement.           

MOTION by Councilperson Geddes-Atwell, seconded by Councilperson Kiernan, to accept the Verizon settlement agreement arranged by Walters and Maxwell.

MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

Walters reported that the Town’s revaluation and grievances are over.  Walters stated there were a total of 135 grievances filed.  She read a letter from NYS Real Property Services stating how pleased they were with the hands on work she had done and the outcome of the Town’s revaluation.

Walters read another letter from Otsego County Real Property Director Steve Childs stating also how pleased he was with the outcome of the Town’s revaluation. 

Walters reminded the Board of their decision during the discussion of the assessor’s proposed budget last year to revisit her salary once the re-val was completed and Deputy Assessor Ferdinand Thering had officially retired.

It was the consensus of the Board to discuss Walter’s salary later in Executive Session.

Chairman Breiten announced that a plaque was given to Ferdinand Thering earlier for his 26 years of service as Town of Otsego Assessor.  He proposed to make a proclamation that Saturday June 14th Ferd Thering Day.  All Board members agreed.

Win McIntyre reported that 21 out of 53 property owners attended the informational meeting for the Proposed Hickory Grove Sewer Project held Saturday June 7th.  McIntyre stated that the next step is for the Board to adopt an ORDER which describes the boundaries, improvements, expenditures, financials, estimated hookup costs and estimated yearly maintenance fees.  Once the ORDER is adopted the Board then schedules a Public Hearing.  McIntyre and Councilperson Geddes-Atwell agreed to get information on the Town’s website.

After a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Board to schedule an emergency meeting for Monday June 16th at 8:00AM to adopt the ORDER for the proposed Sewer District and scheduled a Public Hearing for July 9th at 6:00 PM.

Councilperson Geddes-Atwell reported that she would like to see the website information changed “In House”.  In other words, each department would be responsible for making changes to the website themselves instead of sending the changes to GrafiQua’s, the Town’s website host, and having them make the changes to the website. Councilperson Michaels asked to be removed from the committee.  Councilman Geddes-Atwell stated that the Town’s server, GrafiQua’s, has offered to do a training session for $500.00 for anyone who would like to attend.  It was the consensus of the Board to allocate $500.00 for the website training session.

Councilperson Kiernan reported that the Ethics Board has had no reason to meet.  Councilperson Geddes-Atwell reported being approached by a resident wondering if Wales, the engineer for the Sewer Project, is in conflict because he has a residence on Otsego Lake.  Councilperson Kiernan will have the Ethics Board research the facts and make a determination.

MOTION by Councilperson Geddes-Atwell, seconded by Councilperson Kiernan, to accept all reports, as given.

MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

Chairman Breiten   submitted a Memorandum of Understanding  (MOA) between Otsego County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Town of Otsego whereby the Town agrees to contribute $2,500.00 toward a hydrology and hydraulic study and $2,500.00 toward a state of the lake report.  The Memorandum was reviewed by the Board and Town Attorney Tillapaugh.  Tillapaugh suggested that the MOA include a payment schedule and a clause that the Town’s of Exeter and Richfield Springs will also contribute a total of $5,000.00 or the Town of Otsego’s contribution will be returned.

It was the consensus of the Board to authorize Chairman Breiten to sign the MOA with Otsego County Soil and Water once the agreement is amended.

Chairman Breiten read a letter from the Town of Laurens notifying the action by NY Regional Interconnect, Inc. (NYRI) to seek approval from the NYS Public Service Commission (PC) to build a 190 mile long transmission line through Otsego County.  The Town of Laurens strongly opposes this proposal, has adopted a resolution against it, and encourages the Town of Otsego to do the same.

After a brief discussion the Town Board decided to take no action on this matter.

MOTION by Councilperson Geddes-Atwell, seconded by Councilperson Kiernan, to go into Executive Session to discuss the Town Assessor’s salary and a CSEA interpretation.

MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

MOTION by Councilperson Geddes-Atwell, seconded by Councilperson Michaels, to come out of Executive Session.

MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

It was the consensus of the Board to amend Gerald Goodspeeds warrant and pay only $195.00 of the $235.00 co-pay reimbursement request.

It was the consensus of the Board to pay Town Assessor Marie Walters $8.00/parcel from June 1st to Sept. 1st.

It was the consensus of the Board to discuss computer training, zoning enforcement, and filing with Zoning Officer John Stucin.

MOTION by Councilperson Kiernan, to adjourn.

MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

Meeting ended at 10:30PM.

The next regular meeting will be July 9th, 2008 at 7:00PM at the Town Building in Fly Creek.

                                                                                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                            Pamela Deane/Town Clerk