A Year End meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Otsego was held on the 27th day of December, 2004 at the Town Building, Fly Creek, NY at 9:00AM.



            Tom Breiten                              Chairman         

            Leslie Weir                               Councilman

            George Tucker                          Councilman

            Bill Michaels                             Councilman

            Nancy Iversen                          Councilman



            Pam Deane                               Town Clerk

            Louie (Spike) Boyd                    Highway Superintendent

            Jane Berry                                Zoning Enforcement Officer

            Margaret McGown                    Town Attorney


Chairman Breiten called the meeting to order. 


MOTION by Councilman Tucker, seconded by Councilman Iversen, to approve the minutes of December 8th as given.


MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all Councilmen voted aye.


Chairman Breiten read Johannes de Waal’s engineering proposal for renovation and addition to the Town Building.  There were 3 phases to his proposal. The cost for Phase 1 would be $2,500, which would include preliminary drawings of the existing building, and floor plans for a fire proof storage room, offices, meeting room and new entrance.


MOTION by Councilman Tucker, seconded by Councilman Iversen, to accept Johannes de Waal’s proposal and authorize Chairman Breiten to sign the agreement.


MOTION CARRIED:  Chairman Breiten and all Councilmen voted aye.


Attorney McGown reported that Otsego County Attorney James Konstanty has requested the Town of Otsego to schedule a Public Hearing for each of the proposed Water Districts on State Hwy. 28 near Otsego Manor, at which time he will attempt to answer any questions the public may have.  Attorney McGown further stated that, after researching Town Law she’s not convinced that the Town is obligated to establish a Water District.  After discussion, it was decided to invite Mr. Konstanty to next Board meeting to explain further why a Water District needs to be established, and where it states in the law that the Town must adopt it.


 MOTION by Councilman Iversen, seconded by Councilman Michaels, to pay the following invoices:

            GENERAL:      #346-#353                                            $  1,917.42

            HWY:              #345-#353                                            $  2,887.28

and to authorize bookkeeper Dora Cooke to transfer $130,000 to the Reserve account. ($35,000 for Town revaluation, $45,000 toward a truck, and $50,000 toward Town Building renovations.)


MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all Councilmen voted aye.


Attorney McGown reported that NYSEG has now launched an additional litigation against several Villages and Towns throughout the State of New York, including the Town of Otsego and the Village of Cooperstown. NYSEG wants their Special Franchise Assessment, which is determined by the State of New York, reduced.  McGown intends to contact Steve Childs from the Otsego County Real Property Office to see if he knows anything more about this subject.


Louie (Spike) Boyd submitted his year-end Superintendent of Highway report.  Fuel expenses are as follow:


FUEL               GALLONS                   TOTAL COST/MONTH           YTD GALS                  YTD EXP.

Gas                    -0-                                  $   -0-                                   2,011.3                      $  2,740.18

Diesel                 206.0                              $3,150.18                              16,764.7                                  $21,276.58

Heating               923.8                              $ 1,338.47                             9,424.9                       $11,824.87

Svc.                     -0-                                      -0-                                                                          $  3,387.04




Spike submitted the only fuel bid offered which was from Mirabito Fuel Group.


MOTION by Councilman Tucker, seconded by Councilman Weir, to accept the following fluctuating bid prices:

            Fuel Oil -$1.3950/gal

            Low Sulfer Diesel Fuel - $1.3825/gal.

            Kerosene for Diesel Blend - $1.5000/gal

            Unleaded Gas 87 Octane-$1.2700/gal


MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all Councilmen voted aye.


Spike reported that he met with engineer Wayne Bunn, Attorney McGown, Chairman Breiten, and representatives of the railroad, Chris Lord and Bruce Hodges, to inspect the damage to Phoenix Mill Rd.  The railroad has agreed to repair all damage caused by their excavating.


Spike further reported that County Representative Carl Higgins has approached him about the possibility of the County taking over Phoenix Mill Rd.  


Chairman Breiten asked if the railroad crossing has ever been officially closed.  If it has there is grant money available.  Spike will see if the railroad crossing has been officially closed and Jane Berry will research possible grants the Town could be eligible for.


Watershed report was submitted Councilman Iversen and reviewed by the Board.  Nancy pointed out that Win McIntyre has found some ambiguities with the new law, he has kept a list and the committee will work on them at the January meeting.  They hope to hire an inspector after the 1st of the year, with training to begin in March and inspections to be scheduled in May.  They are looking to pay the inspector $50.00 per inspection plus mileage. The 2005 budget is $39,500, which includes $4,600 carried over from 2004. 


Jane Berry introduced Matthew Van Slyke from the County Planning Department.  Matthew presented to the Board a draft of the All Hazards Mitigation Plan.  He explained that this plan will be required as of January 31st in order for the Town to be eligible for Hazard Mitigation funds designed to lessen the impact of natural disasters.  Matthew explained that, together with Jane and Spike, he itemized what disasters have occurred in the Town of Otsego, what are likely to occur in the future, how frequently they are likely to occur, and what impact they may have. Lastly, the plan addresses what can be done to lessen the impact.  Matthew stated that the plan needs to be adopted by resolution, signed, and returned to the County.  After some discussion, it was decided that the Board will review the draft and discuss it further at their January meeting.


Chairman Breiten asked the Board what further action, if any, they would like to take with the 1993 Ford Escort the Town purchased from Daniels Brothers’.  The Town Clerk has advertised the car but has been unsuccessful in selling it.  After discussion it was the consensus of the Board to offer the car to BOCES and, if they are not interested, authorize Spike to contact Ed Arnold to dispose of the car.


Chairman Breiten asked each Board member to choose one of the three departments (Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Court, and Supervisor) and conduct an audit on that department.


Chairman Breiten thanked the Board publically for all their help this past year.


MOTION by Councilman Michaels, seconded by Councilman Tucker, to adjourn.


MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all Councilmen voted aye.


The next regular meeting will be held on the 12th day of January, 2005 at 7:00 PM at the Town Building in Fly Creek.


                                                                                                            Respectfully Submitted

                                                                                                            Pamela Deane/Town Clerk