A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Otsego was held on the 19th day of September 2007 at the Town Building, Fly Creek, NY at 5:00 PM


Thomas Breiten Chairman

Meg Kiernan Councilperson

Joseph Potrikus Councilperson

Anne Geddes-Atwell Councilperson

John Schallert Councilperson

Others Present:

Pamela Deane Town Clerk

Martin Tillapaugh Town Attorney

H. Marie Walters Assistant Assessor

MOTION by Councilperson Kiernan, seconded by Councilperson Potrikus, go into Executive Session along with Assistant Assessor H. Marie Walters, Town Clerk Pam Deane and Town Attorney Martin Tillapaugh to discuss Revaluation negotiations with the Village of Cooperstown and property easement negotiations with Marie Green owner of the Hickory Grove.

MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

MOTION by Councilperson Schallert, seconded by Councilperson Geddes-Atwell, to come out of Executive Session.

MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

MOTION by Councilperson Potrinkus, seconded by Geddes-Atwell, that the Town of Otsego enter into two contracts one being an addendum to the December 2, 2006 Revaluation Agreement with Maxwell Appraisal Service and the second a Revaluation Contract with the Village of Cooperstown as they have been presented and reviewed by the Board in Executive Session.

MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

Assessor Assistant H. Marie Walters reported that she’s received the data from the Village of Cooperstown for the three properties Lee Bookhout appraised. Those properties being Bassett Hospital, Baseball Hall of Fame, Otesaga and the Leatherstocking Golf Coarse. Chairman Breiten will release the final payment of $5719.00 to the Village. Chairman Breiten made the Board aware that there will be an additional charge for Bookhout to update the four properties for the Town revaluation being they are now a year old.

MOTION by Councilperson Kiernan, seconded by Councilperson Schallert, that the Town offer owner of the Hickory Grove Inn Marie Green, $50,000 for developing rights for a sewer system for residents between Five Mile Point and the Springfield line along State Highway 80.

MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

The Board discussed making modification to the 2007 budget proposed by Chairman Breiten.

MOTION by Councilperson Kiernan, seconded by Councilperson Schallert, to approve the proposed modification to the 2007 Budget and set a Public Hearing date of October 10th, 2007.

MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all Councilpersons voted aye.

Chairman Breiten submitted the revised Tentative Budget for the Board to review. Councilperson Kiernan left the meeting due to another engagement.

MOTION by Councilperson Potrikus, seconded by Councilperson Geddes-Atwell, to schedule a Public Hearing for the Preliminary 2008 Budget.

MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and Councilpersons, Schallert, Potrikus, and Geddes-Atwell voted aye.

A Public Hearing for the 2008 Budget was set for October 10th at 7:00 PM.

MOTION by Councilperson Geddes-Atwell, seconded by Chairman Breiten to schedule a Comprehensive Plan workshop for October 3rd, at 6:00PM.

MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all remaining Councilpersons voted aye.

A Public Hearing the proposed Comprehensive Plan was also set for October 10th at 7:00 PM.

MOTION by Councilperson Potrikus to adjourn.

MOTION CARRIED: Chairman Breiten and all remaining Councilpersons voted aye.

Meeting ended at 8:00PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela Deane

Town Clerk